in-place test in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: xây dựng
-thí nghiệm tại hiện trường

Sentence patterns related to "in-place test"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "in-place test" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in-place test", or refer to the context using the word "in-place test" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Chemical reaction do not take place in fizzing test tube.

2. 8 Chemical reaction do not take place in fizzing test tube.

3. Crash test dummies were used in place of humans in simulated auto crashes to test the road safety of Automobiles created for mass use

4. Larger studies are now taking place to further test the technique .

Việc nghiên cứu mở rộng vẫn đang được tiến hành để kiểm nghiệm sâu hơn nữa kỹ thuật này .

5. See also: Cram, for Cram for a/the test To study for a test shortly before it is scheduled to take place

6. A first test flight took place from the Yankee II Class submarine K-140 (photo) in December 1976.

Vụ bắn thử nghiệm đầu tiên diễn ra từ tàu ngầm K-140 lớp Yankee II vào tháng 12 năm 1976.

7. One test resulted in Eldridge being rendered nearly invisible, with some witnesses reporting a "greenish fog" appearing in its place.

Một thử nghiệm cho thấy Eldridge gần như tàng hình, với một số nhân chứng báo cáo"sương mù màu xanh lá cây" xuất hiện ngay tại đó.

8. They will find New York a good place to test their ability as ministers.

9. To place a multimeter in Relative mode for Capacitance, leave the test leads open and press the REL button

10. But Stone said the West Lake Bonney was a good place to test the robot.

11. The calculated acceleration awot test shall be noted to the second digit after the decimal place.

12. Added Ambivalent Sexism Test in German: Ambivalenter-Sexismus-Test; Added Rorschach Test in German: Rorschachtest; January 23

13. To test yourself, place one hand on each side of the lower part of your rib cage.

Hãy thử nghiệm bằng cách đặt tay lên phần dưới của lồng ngực, mỗi tay một bên.

14. Nonetheless, in early 2013, North Korea pledged to conduct more nuclear tests in the near future, and its third nuclear test took place in February 2013.

Tuy nhiên, vào đầu năm 2013, Triều Tiên đã cam kết tiến hành nhiều vụ thử hạt nhân hơn trong tương lai gần, và vụ thử hạt nhân thứ ba diễn ra vào tháng 2 năm 2013.

15. 23 Autopilot integrative test system can accomplish the component test and the system combine test, which are stipulated in the test precis.

16. Autopilot integrative test system can accomplish the component test and the system combine test, which are stipulated in the test precis.

17. The term “Adverse impact” does not appear in APA Standards for Testing or SIOP Principles Uniform Guidelines suggest that impact ratio is a characteristic of the test that accompanies it from place to place

18. Compiles test plans and reports in cooperation with the Test Engineer.

19. In 1999, the test was incorporated into the CSS1 test suite.

20. Relative Compaction in this method is defined as the ratio of the in-place, wet density of a soil or aggregate to the test maximum wet density of the same soil or aggregate when compacted by a specific test method

21. In February 2005, an optional writing test was added to the ACT, mirroring changes to the SAT that took place later in March of the same year.

Tháng Hai 2005, một phần thi Viết luận tự chọn được thêm vào, phỏng theo sự thay đổi của kỳ thi SAT được tổ chức sau đó vào tháng Ba cùng năm.

22. Such a test can be performed in an altitude environmental test chamber;

23. To test to see if it is Agitating: Open the lid and place a new article of clothing in the washer and note its position

24. Benzidine test: Benzidine test is a specific test used for the determination of blood (RBCs or haemoglobin) in urine

25. Alpha test as in Aristotle.