immobilization of current assets in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: xây dựng
-sự làm đọng vốn lưu động

Sentence patterns related to "immobilization of current assets"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "immobilization of current assets" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "immobilization of current assets", or refer to the context using the word "immobilization of current assets" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Converting non - current assets into current assets.

2. Tangible Assets contain various subclasses, including current Assets and fixed Assets

3. (57) Current assets: liquid funds, receivables (client and debtor accounts), other current assets and prepaid expenses, inventories.

4. (2) Current assets: liquid funds, receivables (client and debtor accounts), other current assets and prepaid expenses, inventories.

5. Current assets are the most liquid.

6. Total current assets Other assets Fixed assets (net) Investments in and advances to affiliates Other (specify:

7. The increase in assets is caused mainly by current assets, the long - term assets have decreased.

8. Current Assets are always the first items listed in the Assets section

9. On a balance sheet, assets will typically be classified into current assets and long-term assets.

Trong bảng cân đối, tài sản thông thường sẽ được phân loại thành tài sản lưu động và tài sản dài hạn.

10. Think of a company’s current Assets as things like

11. Is an enterprise current assets material item.

12. The current ratio is calculated by dividing total current assets by total current liabilities.

Lãi suất hiện hành được tính bằng cách chia tổng tài sản hiện tại của tổng số nợ ngắn hạn.

13. Current Assets include inventory, accounts receivable, while fixed Assets include buildings and equipment

14. These base the value of assets on the current cost of modern equivalent assets subject to cost 'abatements`.

15. Ratio of liquid assets less accounts receivable to current liabilities

16. 10 One extremely important balance sheet relationship is that of current assets to current liabilities.

17. Current Assets = $100,000 + $10,000 + $50,000 + $35,000 + $5,000 = $200,000

18. Increasing your current assets from new equity contributions.

19. Non-current assets that are to be abandoned

20. How Are Current Assets Reported on Financial Statements

21. Accounts Receivable are often classified as current assets.

22. Acquisitions of tangible capital assets Prepaid expenses CURRENT YEAR APPROPRIATIONS USED

23. The full amount of non-current assets represents advances to suppliers.

24. Tangible Assets include both current Assets like cash, inventory, marketable securities, etc., and noncurrent Assets like property, plant, equipment, etc

25. Examples Report prepaid expenses as a current asset at line 1480 – Other current assets.