ilium in Vietnamese

@ilium /'iliəm/
* danh từ, số nhiều ilia
- (giải phẫu) xương chậu

Sentence patterns related to "ilium"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ilium" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ilium", or refer to the context using the word "ilium" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Ilium-Ilium is the largest part of the Coxal bone

2. There are three Coxal bones namely ilium, ischium and pubis

3. Coxal bone is made up of a fusion of three bones, namely ilium, ischium and pubis

4. Billy Pilgrim went to sleep, woke up as a widower in his empty home in Ilium.

5. Inclinatis quoque rebus suis, cum timeret ne creditores ilium conturbare existimarent, hoc titulo Auctionem proscripsit: “C

6. The pubis is not known in Aviatyrannis or Stokesosaurus but both show typical tyrannosauroid characters in the ilium.

7. Coxal lesions involved the ilium in 14 cases, pubis in 3, and ischium in 4 (3 lesions crossed over multiple regions)

8. The boneless haunch is prepared by deboning the haunch (9111), removing the ilium, the aitchbone, pubic and pelvic bones, femur, tibia, cartilage and tendons.

9. (78.) "Nullus dicitur Accessorius post feloniame, fed ille qui novit principalem felonium secisse, et ilium receptavit et comfortavit." COKE, supra note 74, at 138.

10. 9.4). It is interesting to note that the Acetabulum is formed by a combination of all three bones of the pelvis: the ilium, pubis, and ischium

11. All three bones of the pelvis (the ilium, ischium, and pubis) together form the Acetabulum.The three bones are initially separated by a Y-shaped triradiate cartilage that begins to fuse after puberty.

12. The boneless leg, long-cut /shank-off is prepared by deboning the leg, long-cut /shank-off (9112), removing the ilium, the aitchbone, pubic and pelvic bones and the femur.

13. The largest structure in USC Village, the Cowlings and Ilium Residential College is a tangible statement of the university's commitment to housing undergraduates on or adjacent to campus, providing over 700 spaces to sophomores, juniors and seniors.

14. If there is pelvic discontinuity (type IV), adequate acetabular reconstruction with primary stability of the component can only be achieved by a supplementary intramedullary structured stem fixed in the dorsal part of the ilium.

15. What bones make up each hip bone (Coxal bone)? Which of these is the largest? Which has tuberosities that we sit on? Which is the most anterior? The ilium the ischium and the pubis

16. Background: The S2 Alar-iliac (S2AI) screw is a modification of the iliac fixation technique using the space between the neuroforamina of S1 and S2 as an insertion point to fix the sacrum to the ilium

17. The present anatomic study indicates that the nutrient a. on the internal surface of the ilium is prone to injury as a result of traumatic disruption of the sacroiliac joint, sacral alar fractures and during the anterior approach to the sacroiliac joint.

18. Acetabulum A deep semispherical socket cavity in the lateral surface of the hip, with which the femoral head articulates, located at the convergence of the ilium, ischium, and pubis. The Acetabulum is functionally comprised of two columns (anterior and …

19. More model information El hueso Coxal (Os coxae; ilium, ischium, pubis), del latín cadera, es un hueso de la pelvis ósea, par, plano, esponjoso, en forma cuadrilátera helicoidal, compuesto por tres huesos embrionarios: ilion, pubis e isquion.

20. The hip bone (os coxae, innominate bone, pelvic bone or Coxal bone) is a large irregular bone, constricted in the center and expanded above and below. In some vertebrates (including humans before puberty) it is composed of three parts: the ilium, ischium, and the pubis.

21. The hip bone (os coxae, innominate bone, pelvic bone or Coxal bone) is a large irregular bone, constricted in the center and expanded above and below. In some vertebrates (including humans before puberty) it is composed of three parts: the ilium, ischium, and the pubis.