identification of sources of interference in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: điện tử & viễn thông
-sự nhận dạng các nguồn giao thoa
-sự nhận dạng các nguồn nhiễu

Sentence patterns related to "identification of sources of interference"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "identification of sources of interference" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "identification of sources of interference", or refer to the context using the word "identification of sources of interference" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. • reject adjacent channels and other sources of interference;

2. To this end, they shall identify sources of interference and seek mutually acceptable solutions to combat such interference.

3. To this end they shall identify sources of interference and seek mutually acceptable solutions to combat such interference

4. To this end they shall identify sources of interference and seek mutually acceptable solutions to combat such interference.

5. Because of the immense distances of most gamma-ray burst sources from Earth, identification of the progenitors, the systems that produce these explosions, is challenging.

Bởi vì các chớp tia gamma nằm cách rất xa Trái Đất, việc nhận ra các thiên thể gốc, những hệ thống tạo ra những vụ nổ năng lượng này là một thử thách khó khăn.

6. Sources and Source Pathway research activities address: 1) identification and quantification of the Contaminants or groups of Contaminants associated with major sources and 2) processes that govern how these Contaminants enter the environment (pathways).

7. Non-interference of additional functions

8. This permits the explanation of many acoustic phenomena – the Doppler effect, sound cancellations, echoes – that derive from the movement of sound sources or the interference and reflection of sound waves.

9. 4 The study results indicated in-group conflict of the roller skaters was composed of three dimensions, including "Space Interference", "Other Group Interference", and "Direction Interference".

10. But the absence of any clear identification of Bered leaves the identification uncertain.

11. Identification of the commodities

12. Identification of alternatives: pyrimethamine.

13. Identification of alternatives: acyclovir.

14. Interference.

Sự can thiệp.

15. Sources used for identification of non-human activity: Google uses the IAB/ABCe International Spiders & Robots List as well additional filters based on past robotic activities.

16. Identification: The most distinct identification feature of quackgrass is its clasping Auricles

17. Identification and assay of adjuvants

18. Any other form of identification?

Vậy anh còn giấy tờ tùy thân nào nữa không?

19. The identification of significant changes from the Baseline state is the central purpose of Baseline identification.

20. Losses of eggs or chicks through desertion, storms, interference from other albatrosses, accidental egg puncturing, disease, parasites and the rolling of eggs from nests are potential, but unquantified, sources of mortality (Hasegawa and DeGange 1982).

21. He was deeply resentful of/at her interference.

22. Cataclysmic interference.

Biến động giao thoa cực lớn.

23. The applicant observes, moreover, that that provision accepts a situation of State interference unless that interference is ‘significant’.

24. Interference mitigation procedures are used to reduce adjacent channel interference.

25. Have you any means of identification?