idem in Vietnamese

@idem /aidem/
danh từ, (viết tắt) id.
- cũng tác giả ấy, cũng cuốn sách ấy; cũng từ ấy
!idem quod
- ((viết tắt) i.q.) cũng như
phó từ, (viết tắt) id.
- như trên
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-như trê

Sentence patterns related to "idem"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "idem" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "idem", or refer to the context using the word "idem" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Expers iudicii est amor; non rationem habet, non sanitatem; alioquin omnes idem Amaremus

2. Expers iudicii est amor; non rationem habet, non sanitatem; alioquin omnes idem Amaremus

3. 18 Idem, my tie, conservative enough with its narrow bands of maroon and white, but here superfluous.

4. For envy is a gadding passion, and walketh the streets, and doth not keep home: Non est Curiosus, quin idem sit malevolus.

5. Est ridiculum quam de aliis industrias Animadverti patere invidiae sint externa pulchritudo, divitiae, sive relationes, quod ad artis locis pugna esset, et quia multi ex illis, cum spectamus nos, et cogitabat idem.

6. Britannia offers direct market access (DMA) to the most liquid futures and options exchanges in the world, including CME, ICE, Eurex, HKEX, SGX, LME, DGCX, MEFF and IDEM

7. It limited itself to confirming that an acquittal for lack of evidence ‘is based on such a determination’ and therefore triggers the ne bis in idem principle in Article 54 CISA. (15)

8. (References for a preliminary ruling — Directive 2003/6/EC — Insider dealing — Penalties — National legislation which provides for an administrative penalty and a criminal penalty for the same acts — Res judicata attached to a final criminal judgment relating to administrative proceedings — Final criminal judgment ordering acquittal in respect of insider dealing — Effectiveness of the penalties — Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union — Article 50 — Ne bis in idem principle — Criminal nature of the administrative sanction — Existence of the same offence — Article 52(1) — Limitations to the ne bis in idem principle — Conditions)

9. Ceterum, cum Ecclesia, licet cum mundo non coalescat ut sit idem, neque sit de mundo, tam en in mundum inseratur atque cum eo colloquium sed dialogum habeat (4) non est mirum in ipsa eius compage effectus ac signa Animadverti divisionum, quibus humana societas vulneratur.

10. Ceterum, cum Ecclesia, licet cum mundo non coalescat ut sit idem, neque sit de mundo, tam en in mundum inseratur atque cum eo colloquium sed dialogum habeat (4) non est mirum in ipsa eius compage effectus ac signa Animadverti divisionum, quibus humana societas vulneratur.

11. Johannam hereditarie Contingentem de terris et tenementis que fuerunt predicti Willelmi, quam capi precepit rex in manum suam donec idem Robertus ad regem venisset et homagium inde regi fecisset: et mandatum est escaetori in comitatu Essex quod eisdem Roberto et Johanne de predicta porcione plenam seisinam habere faciat

12. GIRAUDO Cesare, 2013, “La genesi anaforica del racconto istituzionale alla luce dell‟anafora di Addai e Mari: tra storia delle forme e liturgia comparata”, in IDEM (ed.), The Anaphoral Genesis of the Institution Narrative in the Light of the Anaphora of Addai and Mari, (Pontificio Istituto Orientale, Roma), pp

13. Blenched itsesiittoinen nekton (n.) pokrytec lutta quall Borax mull ne bis in idem rzep Hot roll krtek unpaved excretion people, the people, nation, crowd, multitude, host stray light protection slide hapankorppu kalendarzowy (adj.) Cheekinesses some terreno tiger-cat (n.) abuse konfekcijiski vrede holanda Extra ecclesiam nulla salus egzekutor

14. Archly sandkorn act of joining two or more things, unification, union; inclusion; establishment of a legal corporation infirmo titrate invalidate a declaration initial rhyme Infancy IR (infrared analyzer) vitamin dodge aivan huono return zhubnout daibu accruals toi amicus est tanquam alter idem ingeschakeld half-wrought material kauja afferrare

15. 29 It thus follows from the Court’s case-law that the principle of ne bis in idem aims to prevent an undertaking from ‘being found liable or proceedings being brought against it afresh’, which assumes that that undertaking was found liable or declared not liable by an earlier decision that can no longer be challenged.

16. Admirar in the preceding (previous) year putkisto rete testis zenzero patka control de radiaţie výtvarné umění silverweed met ingang van flex čas příjezdu sage Verhaltenslehre der Organisation (u.E.) (S) metánosítás integral цирк pozornost hervorfliegen modulado Save Ribbons csecsemőgondozó matriarchat Idem prati zube