iceberg in Vietnamese

@iceberg /'aisbə:g/
* danh từ
- núi băng trôi
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-núi băng trôi

Sentence patterns related to "iceberg"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "iceberg" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "iceberg", or refer to the context using the word "iceberg" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Iceberg.

Tảng băng trôi.

2. Captain, iceberg ahead.

Thuyền trưởng, phía trước có băng trôi.

3. Ship hits iceberg.

Con tàu đâm vào tảng băng trôi.

4. Aerial view of Iceberg Glacier and Iceberg Bay looking SW (Aug. 24th, 1977).

5. Their ship circled the iceberg.

6. "Larsen C calves trillion ton iceberg".

Ngày 12 tháng 7 năm 2017. ^ “Larsen C calves trillion ton iceberg”.

7. A colossal iceberg is born.

.. Một sự đứt vỡ sâu trong lòng sông băng.

8. The ship struck a hidden iceberg.

9. The ship ran upon the iceberg.

10. The ship was holed by an iceberg.

11. A large iceberg was sighted nearby.

Một tảng băng trôi lớn được nhìn thấy gần đó.

12. The ship hit an iceberg and went under.

13. And that's just the igloo on the iceberg.

14. Most of the iceberg is under the water.

15. This is really the tip of the iceberg.

Đó là nguyên lý tảng băng

16. But this was only the tip of the iceberg.

17. The Wedge crisp iceberg, Bistered tomatoes and creamy blue cheese

18. But this is only the tip of the iceberg.

19. And I nearly smashed into a 10-story iceberg.

Và tôi gần như đâm sầm vào một tảng băng trôi 10 tầng.

20. Key words: free drift, sensitivity, adjoint, ice floe, transient, iceberg.

21. Usually one-eighth of an iceberg is above the waterline.

Thường thường một phần tám của tảng băng sơn trồi lên khỏi mặt nước.

22. Bolos WEDGE $8.99 Iceberg wedge, fresh corn and pico de gallo

23. As an iceberg melts, I am breathing in its ancient atmosphere.

Khi một tảng băng tan chảy, Tôi hít vào cái không khí xưa cũ của nó.

24. Iceberg detection requires aircraft reconnaissance in addition to satellite surveillance.

25. This glitch would prove but the tip of the iceberg.

26. The following list is merely the tip of the iceberg.

27. She' d need a whole damn iceberg To cool her burning

Bà cần cả tảng băng để dội mát cơ thể bốc lửa của bà

28. These small local protests are just the tip of the iceberg.

29. This compression is seen when the glacier calves, creating a blue iceberg.

Sự nén này được thấy khi sông băng đó vỡ ra, tạo thành những khối băng nổi màu xanh da trời.

30. After hitting the iceberg, water began flooding the Titanic's forward six Compartments

31. By the time the lookouts sighted the iceberg, it was too late.

Vào lúc những người canh gác thấy được băng sơn, thì đã quá trễ.

32. A good Aphorism is the tip of an iceberg of thought

33. An iceberg from the Arctic floated as far south as Bermuda.

Một tảng băng trôi từ cực bắc đã trôi về phía nam tới tận Bermuda

34. The Titanic met her fate by crashing into a huge iceberg.

35. To be absolutely clear, let me give you our iceberg coordinates: Böge.

36. Advertising, however, turned out to be only the tip of the iceberg.

37. The above complaints are, I suspect, just the tip of the iceberg.

38. They can, however, do so through acceleration in flow and enhanced iceberg calving.

39. Warm winters, however, may allow iceberg calving and high flow rates to continue.

40. "There appears to be very little to prevent the iceberg from breaking away completely."

"Có rất ít để ngăn chặn tảng băng trôi khỏi phá vỡ hoàn toàn."

41. As it was when the Titanic encountered the iceberg, so it is with us.

Cũng giống như nó xảy ra cho chiếc tàu Titanic khi đụng phải băng sơn, thì nó cũng xảy đến cho chúng ta.

42. What does Berg mean? A mass of floating or stationary ice; an iceBerg

43. Southern fried chicken, Chomp hot chicken sauce, buttermilk ranch, dill pickles, shredded iceberg

44. Icebergs from Iceberg Glacier have stranded in Agate Fjord (photo Melissa Battler 2008).

45. The reported cases of food poisoning are only the tip of the iceberg.

46. Batavian Leafy Iceberg Lettuce Seeds, 5000 Heirloom Seeds Per Packet, Non Gmo Seeds

47. APRIL 14: At about 11:40 p.m., the Titanic collides with an iceberg.

NGÀY 14 THÁNG 4: Khoảng 11g40 tối, tàu Titanic va vào một tảng băng trôi.

48. The Titanic struck an iceberg and sank during its maiden voyage in 19

49. Investigators say the irregular campaign contributions may be just the tip of the iceberg.

50. Despite these praiseworthy efforts, only the tip of the iceberg has been noticeably affected.