ice-age in Vietnamese

@ice-age /'ais'eidʤ/
* danh từ
- thời kỳ băng hà
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-thời kỳ sông băng

Sentence patterns related to "ice-age"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ice-age" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ice-age", or refer to the context using the word "ice-age" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. It's Ice Age, Mom.

Phim Kỷ Băng Hà, mẹ ơi!

2. Welcome to the Ice Age.

Chào mừng con đến với kỷ băng hà.

3. The end moraines of the last ice age (Weichselian ice age) did not reach this area.

4. That species disappeared in the Ice Age.

5. The player will earn the "Complete Ice Age" achievement for getting 3 Biohazards in the Ice Age scenario)

6. Did you ever hear of the ice Age?

Cô có nghe nói về kỷ băng hà chưa?

7. This whole Ice age thing is getting old.

Thời kỳ băng hà sẽ qua đi.

8. Ice age refers to the latest glacial epoch.

9. That's the second and third ice age back.

Đây là kỷ băng hà thứ hai và ba.

10. Andrewsarchus Andrewsarchus is a animal for Carnivores: Ice Age

11. The most recent ice age was during the pleistocene.

12. It could seize up Washington harder than another Ice Age.

13. Any of the geological epochs characterised by an ice age.

14. Circumventing the no-analog problem yields cool ice age tropics.

15. An Ice Age here, a million years of mountain-building there.

Ở đây từng có kỷ băng hà hàng ngàn năm hình thành núi non.

16. The retreat of the Ice Age glaciers formed the Littorina Sea.

Sự rút sông băng ở kỷ băng hà tạo thành biển Littorina.

17. Dole comes from an era as distant as the ice age.

18. The plot of this movie begins when the Ice Age ends.

19. The area has been inhabited since the end of the ice age.

Vùng này đã được định cư từ cuối kỷ Băng hà.

20. These conditions might have been the effect of the Little Ice Age.

Đó có thể là do hiệu ứng của Thời kỳ băng hà nhỏ.

21. Its relief was formed by ice age glaciers and subsequent slope movements.

22. Slide into a theater to watch Ice Age The Meltdown this April.

23. During the Ice Age, rocky alluvial deposits formed all through the Rhone Valley.

24. With temperatures warming after the ice age, plants and animals are more plentiful,

25. After the last Ice Age, R. pyrenaica occupied most of the Iberian Peninsula.

Sau khi kỷ băng hà cuối cùng, Loài R. pyrenaica chiếm hầu hết bán đảo Iberia.

26. During an ice age, glacial periods alternate with interglacials, when temperatures rise somewhat.

27. Global sea level was 120 metres below the present level during the Ice Age.

28. 1000 years BP, might be in response to cooling during the Little Ice Age.

29. And a secret unravelled ... the bones that solve the mystery of the Ice Age.

30. And Europe went back into an ice age for another 900 to 1, 000 years.

Và Châu Âu trở lại thời kỳ băng giá trong 900 tới 1.000 năm.

31. Three and a half years later, Ice Age The Meltdown is ready to hit theaters.

32. He was also featured in the Spanish version of Ice Age: Collision Course as Julian.

Anh cũng đã nói tiếng Tây Ban Nha trong Kỷ băng hà: Trời sập khi vào vai Julian.

33. Some are warm and hospitable, while others can be nothing short of an ice age.

34. During the last ice age, the lower part of Toronto was beneath Glacial Lake Iroquois.

Trong kỷ băng hà cuối, phần hạ của Toronto ở bên dưới hồ băng Iroquois.

35. Alarmists insist that neither the Medieval Warming Period nor the subsequent Little Ice Age were global

36. The (MWP) was followed by the period of cooling known as the Little Ice Age (LIA).

37. Yet the first global ice age may have come as early as 5 billion years ago.

38. In 1988 the newspaper De Telegraaf carried the headline “Ice Age Sets In for the Church.”

39. A volcano has even been blamed for speeding up the onset of the last Ice Age.

40. An ice age begins slowly, almost imperceptibly, when the average temperature drops by a few degrees.

41. At that time, an ice age was ending, game animals were flourishing, and humans were relatively few.

42. Over the last 5 million years, our planet has been in the grip of an ice age.

43. When sea level began to rise in the late ice age, people moved to higher, hilly areas.

Khi mực nước biển bắt đầu nâng dần vào cuối kỷ băng hà, mọi người di chuyển đến các khu vực đồi núi cao hơn.

44. Battlefield 2142 was released in 2006, taking place during a global ice age in the 22nd century.

Battlefield 2142 được phát hành vào năm 2006, diễn ra trong thời kỳ băng hà toàn cầu vào thế kỷ 22.

45. In the warm periods and at the end of the Ice Age, some hills like Öskjuhlíð were islands.

Trong những thời kỳ ấm áp cuối Kỷ Băng Hà, một số ngọn đồi như Öskjuhlíð đã là đảo.

46. The Earth' s atmosphere will restabilize...... with an average temperature close to that of the last Ice Age

47. The Earth's atmosphere will restabilize but with an average temperature close to that of the last Ice Age.

48. The canister is also designed to withstand major earthquakes and / or geological movements following a future ice age.

49. 10 Ice Age folk who lived in what's now southwestern England gruesomely went from heads off to bottoms up.

50. Very likely, then, some of the evidence for the Flood is being misread as evidence of an ice age.

Vậy thì, rất có thể là chứng cớ của trận Nước Lụt lại bị xem nhầm là chứng cớ của thời đại băng hà.