ice melting capacity in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-năng suất tan (nước) đá
-năng suất tan đá
@Lĩnh vực: điện lạnh
-công suất làm tan (nước) đá
-công suất làm tan đá

Sentence patterns related to "ice melting capacity"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ice melting capacity" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ice melting capacity", or refer to the context using the word "ice melting capacity" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The melting point of ice is 0.

2. Like melting ice, it dazzled the eye.

3. Spring flowers pushed through the slowly melting ice.

4. So, melting sea ice is a big issue.

đang nóng lên với tốc độ nhanh gấp đôi phần còn lại của Trái Đất.

5. We have reason to be afraid of melting ice caps.

Chúng ta có lý do để sợ những chỏm băng tan.

6. Salt's ineffectiveness at melting ice at these temperatures compounds the problem.

Tính không hiệu quả của muối làm băng tan ở những nhiệt độ này gây ra thêm vấn đề.

7. Historic melting of Antarctic ice sheet raises fears of global floods

8. This shows the effect of pressure on the melting point of ice.

9. And the great mound of caviare - ignored on its melting bed of ice.

10. Melting Arctic ice adds to the fresh water accumulating in near-surface layers.

11. Glaciers grow principally from the accumulation of snow and coversion to ice, and decay through melting of ice in their lower reaches.

12. This is the quintessential melting ice cube,'said one person working on the Lehman bankruptcy.

13. Surface waters in contact with melting ice tend to be very thinly populated with zooplankton.


15. And so, as the surrounding water gets warmer, it speeds up the melting of the ice.

Và do đó, vùng nước xung quanh trở nên nóng hơn, đẩy nhanh tốc độ tan băng.

16. In addition, the melting of glaciers and polar ice sheets can add to sea level rise.

17. I guess the iconic figure of it is the melting of the ice in the Arctic Sea.

Tôi đoán hình mẫu của nó là việc băng tan ở Bắc Băng Dương

18. Enormous masses of ice that have been frozen for thousands of years are breaking apart and melting away.

Những khối băng khổng lồ vốn đóng băng từ ngàn năm qua đang vỡ ra và tan chảy.

19. This melting and refreezing builds up a layer of ice that contributes to the strength of the igloo.

20. Coastal geographic states, such as Florida, would be particularly vulnerable to ice cap melting associated with such an increase.

21. Super- heated rock from Earth' s core is surging to the crust, melting ice built up over thousands of years

Đá nóng trong lòng trái đất đang trồi lên trên vỏlàm tan lớp băng tích tụ hàng ngàn năm

22. Usually we are melting snow or ice so we don't bother, but this trip could see us near stagnant water.

23. The air was filled with sublime music and the sound of burning wood was like the soft crackle of melting ice.

24. Glaciers are shrinking, the ice at Arctic is melting and many islands have either submerged or are on the verge submersion.

25. The cable provides a continuous drain path for melting snow and ice to flow (through the gutter and into the downspout ).