human population in Vietnamese

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-tổng dân số

Sentence patterns related to "human population"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "human population" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "human population", or refer to the context using the word "human population" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The human population is growing very rapidly and is growing exponentially.

Dân số đang tăng chóng mặt và tăng theo hàm mũ.

2. The social structures for coping with human population collapse are nearly nil.

3. This area, the Willamette Valley, contains 70 percent of Oregon's human population.

Thung lũng này là nơi cư ngụ của 70% dân số Oregon.

4. As the human population increased in number, bad news increased along with it.

Khi dân số trên đất gia tăng, thì tin chẳng lành cũng gia tăng một thể ấy.

5. The human population in the region is expanding in inverse proportion to the wildlife.

6. For 200 years, the world was essentially governed by a fragment of the human population.

cho 200 năm thế giới đã bị thống trị bởi một sự rải rác con người

7. The world human population began increasing after the Neolithic Revolution and its increased food supply.

Dân số gia tăng sau cuộc Cách mạng Thời kỳ Đồ đá mới đi liền với sự gia tăng lương thực.

8. As the human population and the demand for seafood continues to grow, Aquaculture will become increasingly important

9. The Overlords were a Xenos species that ruled over Barbarus and preyed on the Human population that dwelled there

10. The human population of the island was never high, and the pigs generally ranged freely over its entire acreage.

Dân số quần thể lợ của hòn đảo không bao giờ cao và tổng số cá thể của những con lợn thường dao động tự do trên toàn bộ diện tích.

11. Alfred is designed to make allele frequency data on human population samples readily available for use by the scientific and educational communities.

12. 23 Outline the problems met with in designing a model to simulate changes in the size and structure of a human population.

13. For 12, 000 years, the distribution of ages in the human population has looked like a pyramid, with the oldest on top.

12, 000 năm qua, sự phân bố tuổi tác trong nền dân số loài người được biểu diễn bằng biểu đồ tháp, với đỉnh tháp là độ tuổi cao nhất.

14. Globalization is leading to more and more mixing of genes, and evolutionary biologists say the entire human population will someday resemble Brazilians.

15. •The table shows the four ABO phenotypes ("Blood groups") present in the human population and the genotypes that give rise to them.

16. That would have a positive constant of proportionality, not really applicable to human population sizes so much as, say, bacteria in an unconstrained environment.

Đó sẽ có một hằng số a dương, không thực sự áp dụng cho dân số loài người như là với vi khuẩn trong một môi trường không bị giới hạn.

17. The islands' house mice could not survive the harsh conditions for more than two years after the archipelago was abandoned by its human population.

Các con chuột ở hải đảo không thể sống sót trong điều kiện khắc nghiệt trong hơn hai năm sau khi quần đảo này bị bỏ lại bởi loài người.

18. Why is this the century of the city (the Astycene)? Milestone in 2008: the majority (over 50%)of the human population is now urban

19. 27 With cyclones of ever increasing severity and the pressure from human population threatening the bird, the Southern Cassowary is in dire straits at the moment.

20. A Culling is an event in the Pegasus galaxy when the Wraith attack the human population of a planet and take portions of the inhabitants to feed upon

21. A Cull hunt is often ruled out of the question due to human population densities, so game managers have employed many different tactics with varying degrees of success

22. Marshall Savage (1992, 1994) has projected a human population of five quintillion (5 x 1018) throughout the Solar System by 3000, with the majority in the asteroid belt.

Marshall Savage (1992, 1994) đã dự đoán tới năm 3000 một dân số loài người tới 5 luỹ thừa 30 trong cả hệ mặt trời, đa số sống trong vành đai tiểu hành tinh.

23. Cutaneous candidiasis is an infection of the skin by a fungus called Candida albicans, which is one of the most common fungi responsible for infection in the human population

24. This is why from the time when agrarian states first established themselves in antiquity until the late Middle Ages the human population grew relatively slowly (McEvedy and Jones 1978: 342-351).

25. A large part of the human population still languishes in abject poverty, presenting a serious stumbling block to the achievement of our shared goal of lasting peace and prosperity for all

26. Agriculture is the broadest word that can be used to indicate the methods in which crop plants and domestic animals support the human population by supplying food and other products (Harris and

27. Crake was Snowman’s best friend, a gifted scientist who eventually developed and released the catastrophic plague that ravaged the earth’s human population. Crake’s view of the world was coldly rational and fiercely atheistic.

28. Why did I know it was the latest, ramped up on steroids, continuously Bullhorned by the MSM propaganda machine, dominant cabal agenda all along, to kill off most of the human population as “useless eaters”?

29. Because long-term climate stability would be required for sustaining a human population, the use of especially powerful fluorine-bearing greenhouse gases, possibly including sulfur hexafluoride or halocarbons such as chlorofluorocarbons (or CFCs) and perfluorocarbons (or PFCs), has been suggested.

Bởi vì sự ổn định lâu dài của thời tiết là cần thiết cho việc duy trì dân số, việc sử dụng những khí nhà kính mạnh có chứa Flo, có thể là Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) hoặc các halocarbon như chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) và perfluorocarbons (PFC) đã được đề xuất.

30. When dividing the entire asexual spectrum by romantic orientation, Aromantics make up 19% total, so if gray-asexuals and demisexuals would be part of the 1% of “asexuals” in the human population, then the number of Aromantics would be lower than what I listed above

31. Its name means “opposite to the Arctic,” referring to the region around the North Pole.Antarctica is the fifth in size among the continents, larger than Europe and Australia.It is a cold and forbidding land that has no permanent human population and is almost devoid of animal or plant life.

32. Clines, Clusters, and Human Population Structure Synopsis By helping to frame the ways in which human genetic variation is conceptualized, an understanding of the genetic structure of human populations can assist in inferring human evolutionary history, as well as in designing studies that search for disease-susceptibility loci.

33. In an emotional narrative, Mitchell takes the reader along as she travels to some of the Earth's most Beleaguered areas, including the nearly deforested lands of Madagascar and the declining deserts of Jordan, where the few plant and animal species there struggle to survive and disappearing natural resources threaten the human population.

34. A population Bottleneck or genetic Bottleneck is a sharp reduction in the size of a population due to environmental events such as famines, earthquakes, floods, fires, disease, and droughts or human activities such as specicide and human population planning.Such events can reduce the variation in the gene pool of a population; thereafter, a smaller population, with a smaller genetic diversity