hubris in Vietnamese

@hubris /'hju:bris/
* danh từ
- sự xấc xược, ngạo mạn, sự kiêu căng láo xược

Sentence patterns related to "hubris"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hubris" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hubris", or refer to the context using the word "hubris" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. But history warns against such hubris.

2. But the gods are offended by hubris.

3. Yup, it's LeBron's hubris we hear.

4. But the driving factor is hubris.

5. He was punished for his hubris.

6. There is no safety in unlimited technological hubris.

7. Will their hubris bring Nemesis in due course?

8. Hubris is giving you delusions of grandeur, Frank.

Tham vọng ngông cuồng khiến anh quá ảo tưởng rồi đấy, Frank.

9. In ancient Athens(sentence dictionary), hubris was a crime.

10. They [ US schools ] don't create managers, they create hubris.

11. And all men fall, beneath the heel of their hubris.

Mà đàn ông nào chẳng ngã xuống cùng sự kiêu căng xấc xược của hắn.

12. And greed and hubris are intimately intertwined when it comes to recklessness.

Tham lam và ngạo mạn có liên hệ mật thiết với nhau khi nó cùng dẫn đến sự liều lĩnh.

13. But Laker, like all tragic heroes, had his fatal flaw, hubris.

14. Now this may sound arrogant, or even full of hubris.

Có thể điều này nghe kênh kiệu, hoặc thậm chí đầy ngạo mạn.

15. Lysias claims furor Amorisis is hubris and paves the way for misfortune

16. • His was a lifetime spent on the borderline between Chutzpah and hubris

17. His was a lifetime spent on the borderline between chutzpah and hubris.

18. Hubris: Elites Brazenly gloat they rigged electionand that's good news for us

19. The Three Great Virtues of a Programmer: Laziness, Impatience and Hubris.

20. Similarly, hubris is also self-focused and lacks the interpersonal nature of Arrogance

21. GameStop Politics: Democrats’ Hubris And Abusiveness Will Lead To Their Own Short Squeeze

22. How often we have witnessed such hubris, and how loudly we have guffawed.

23. But what is notable about the Koffler scam is the sheer, hilarious hubris of it.

24. Hubris: Elites Brazenly gloat they rigged election and that's good news for us

25. If that is the case, China might be able to avoid the pitfall of hubris.

26. Treadmill of Hubris Boglet Crew The crew of the Treadmill, comprising 7 pieces (8 characters)

27. Yet many believe It'shines an unflattering light on our tendency for folly and hubris, too.

28. Although, God knows, of late, in our hubris, we seem to have drifted away.

29. What colossal conceit, what sheer hubris, in the idea that he could have both!

30. Yes, the proud person is capable of hubris, of being insolent, of causing humiliation to others.

Vâng, một người tự cao thì rất có thể láo xược, làm nhục người khác.

31. You see, in the hubris of my youth, I thought I had her all figured out.

Bạn biết đó, với sự ngạo mạn của tuổi trẻ, tôi nghĩ tôi hiểu quá rõ cô ta.

32. His judgment Beclouded by hubris, he mistakes Thanatos for Eros, with the deadliest of consequences

33. Plus, the speaker will be watched like a hawk for any signs of hubris or further financial shenanigans.

34. Have scientists got too big for their boots ? Will their hubris bring Nemesis in due course?

35. It may be arrogance, hubris or insecurity that causes him to seek a reaction from you.

36. This can not be called isolationism, but it is a strange combination of hubris and indifference.

37. They ran government trading at Salomon Brothers during the 1980s and early 1990s, ruling with swagger, bravado and hubris.

38. Scientific scandals, which are as old as science itself, tend to follow similar patterns of hubris and comeuppance.

39. Godwyn Fischig - Godwin Fischig was an Adeptus Arbites Chastener from Hubris and long-time associate of Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn

40. And we intercut it with, " We are the premier science university in the world, " because of British- like hubris.

Chúng họ còn chêm vào, " Chúng tôi là những nhà khoa học hàng đầu thế giới. " bởi vì chúng tôi cao ngạo như kiểu người Anh.

41. " The worst kind of jingoistic hubris, " a University of Virginia student wrote in the college newspaper, The Cavalier Daily.

42. As is now clear, it was this totally unnecessary act of hubris that more than anything else frightened the voters away.

43. Unfortunately , hubris and nationalism among some Chinese and unnecessary fear of decline among some Americans make it difficult to assure this future .

Thật đáng tiếc , sự kiêu căng và chủ nghĩa dân tộc giữa một số người Trung Quốc và sự lo sợ suy thoái không cần thiết ở một số người Mỹ đã làm cho viễn cảnh tương lai này trở nên khó khăn hơn .

44. If you think I'm going to spill my secrets for nothing, your hubris is as offensive as my former cellmate's grooming habits.

Nếu cô nghĩ tôi sẽ xổ bí mật của tôi khơi khơi thì sự xấc xược của cô cũng chướng mắt như thói chải chuốt của thằng từng chung buồng với tôi.

45. A saving grace Hopefully, SC on law and a united Opposition in politics have taught BJP a lesson or two in hubris.

46. Today, most people see the story of Arachne as a classic, one-dimensional example of a character being punished for hubris

47. Hosted by Business Wars’ David Brown, WeCrashed tells a behind curtain story of hubris and excess, and explains how this tech “unicorn” Crashed from a dream into a disaster.

48. And so, finally, as others Bemoan the death of American leadership, a candidate has the hubris to invoke a grand dream and the media and others pile on

49. Athena weaved four scenes in which the gods punished those humans that considered themselves equal to gods and committed hubris; Arachne, on the other hand, weaved scenes in which gods abused

50. But "Challenger: The Final Flight" navigates a delicate path -- celebrating the lives of those lost in 1986, and the hubris, politics and pressure to deliver that became the anatomy of a failure.