gamma ray absorption analysis in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-phân tích hấp thụ gama

Sentence patterns related to "gamma ray absorption analysis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gamma ray absorption analysis" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gamma ray absorption analysis", or refer to the context using the word "gamma ray absorption analysis" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Multiple station gamma ray absorption contraband detection system

2. Gamma-ray Bursts Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs) are short-lived Bursts of gamma-ray light, the most energetic form of light

3. Gamma and X-ray Photon Absorptiometry:

4. Most gamma-ray emitting sources are actually gamma-ray bursts, objects which only produce gamma radiation for a few milliseconds to thousands of seconds before fading away.

Đa số các nguồn phát xạ tia gamma trên thực tế là các loé bùng tia gamma, các vật thể chỉ tạo ta bức xạ gamma trong vài phần triệu tới vài phần ngàn giây trước khi mờ nhạt đi.

5. Pulsars flash, gamma-ray bursts detonate black holes accrete.

Tia sáng lóe lên từ các sao xung, các chớp tia gamma bùng nổ, lỗ đen hình thành.

6. X-ray Absorption Fine Structure

7. Americium is a particularly high alpha and gamma ray emitter

8. The physical importance of the apparent discrepancy between the detections by pre-Batse missions of absorption lines in gamma-ray burst spectra and the absence of a Batse line detection necessitates a statistical analysis of this discrepancy

9. The primary objective of Batse was to study the phenomenon of gamma-ray bursts, although the detectors also recorded data from pulsars, terrestrial gamma-ray flashes, soft gamma repeaters, black holes, and other exotic astrophysical objects.

10. Gamma-ray Bursts are the strongest and brightest explosions in the universe, thought to be generated during the formation of black holes.Though they last mere seconds, gamma-ray Bursts …

11. Radioactive medical waste tends to contain beta particle and gamma ray emitters.

Chất thải y tế phóng xạ thường chứa tác nhân giải phóng hạt beta và tia gamma.

12. Apparatus and instruments for X-ray absorption spectroscopy

13. Gamma-ray Bursts were first observed in the late 1960s by the U.S

14. Detectors, in particular semiconductor detectors for alpha, beta, gamma, x-ray and synchrotron radiation

15. The detector may be, for example, a solar wind particle detector, an alpha ray detector, a gamma ray detector, or the like.

16. Furthermore, the present application discloses X-ray diffraction characteristic absorption peak and IR absorption peak.

17. The fluence distribution must be known for absolute gamma ray measurements in spherical radiation

18. Innovative gamma-ray detectors are combined with photodetectors to provide MRI-compatible high spatial resolution.

19. We depend, we rely on other methods in order to study this gamma-ray light.

Chúng ta phải sử dụng những phương pháp khác để nghiên cứu về ánh sáng tia gamma này.

20. Quantitative x-ray radiology using the absorption and scattering information

21. Mercury(II) iodide is a semiconductor material, used in some x-ray and gamma ray detection and imaging devices operating at room temperatures.

Thuỷ ngân (II) iođua là một chất bán dẫn, được sử dụng trong một số thiết bị phát hiện tia X và tia gamma hoạt động ở nhiệt độ phòng.

22. A Brief History of the Discovery of Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts - draft april 17, 1995 - J.Bonnell

23. Near infrared ray absorption film for filter of plasma display panel

24. Key words: calcium oxide, colour centre, synchrotron, X-ray excited optical luminescence, X-ray absorption near-edge structure.

25. Technical project management in the field of X-ray absorption spectroscopy