futility in Vietnamese

@futility /fju:'tiliti/
* danh từ
- sự vô ích, sự không có hiệu quả
- sự không đáng kể; tính phù phiếm

Sentence patterns related to "futility"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "futility" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "futility", or refer to the context using the word "futility" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. “Subjected to Futility

“Phục sự hư-không”

2. They are the perpetrators of futility.

3. Futility and useless things of no benefit.”

Sự hư không và thứ vô dụng chẳng ích lợi gì”.

4. Exhausted, they acknowledge the futility of their situation.

Nhưng dần dà, nó bộc lộ những khiếm khuyết của mình.

5. The sheer futility of it all exasperates her.

6. Paul describes its results with a single word: futility.

Phao-lô miêu tả hậu quả bằng chỉ một từ: sự hư không.

7. * This too is futility, a chasing after the wind.

Đó cũng là hư không, là đuổi theo luồng gió.

8. So I said in my heart: “This too is futility.”

Vậy ta nói trong lòng: “Đó cũng là hư không”.

9. To be overcome by a sense of futility or defeat.

10. + This too is futility, a chasing after the wind.

+ Đó cũng là hư không, là đuổi theo luồng gió.

11. How is the absolute futility of idol worship described?

Việc thờ hình tượng là hoàn toàn vô ích như thế nào?

12. Then, who is holding the futility record of NBA?

13. This sums up Owen's thoughts on the futility of war.

14. She could see the utter futility of trying to protest.

15. Now, past a certain point, there's a futility in responsibility.

Tới 1 thời điểm nhất định, trong cái trách nhiệm đó lại là sự phù phiếm.

16. (Genesis 25:8, footnote) Most have an abiding sense of futility.

(Sáng-thế Ký 25:8) Phần lớn có cảm giác dai dẳng là đời sống họ vô ích.

17. The last two really best describe the futility from the title.

18. Aprication I never heard this word until encountering it at Futility Closet

19. More accurately, the apathy and futility can be described as schizoid aloofness.

20. It'seemed to her a ridiculous armada of tubs jostling in futility.

21. During 20 years of perverted worship, I wallowed in the futility of hedonism.

22. But mere mortals know the futility of trying to outguess the market.

23. (Romans 5:12) Thus, we are all born in sin, subjected to futility.

(Rô-ma 5:12) Do đó, tất cả chúng ta sinh ra trong tội lỗi, bị những điều hư không chi phối.

24. Work is the way that people seek to redeem their lives from futility.

25. The wretchedness and futility of war hit me more acutely than ever before.

26. Such statistics can serve merely to overwhelm one with a sense of futility.

27. 7 Work is the way that people seek to redeem their lives from futility.

28. Futility consists of fourteen lines arranged in two stanzas which makes it a sonnet.

29. Atie opens up to Sophie about the futility of her life in Dame Marie

30. + 7 For just as many preoccupations lead to dreams,+ so, too, many words lead to futility.

+ 7 Như lo nghĩ nhiều dẫn đến chiêm bao,+ lắm lời cũng chỉ dẫn đến hư không.

31. (b) Why did Paul say that creation was subjected to futility “not by its own will”?

(b) Tại sao Phao-lô nói rằng muôn vật bị bắt phục sự hư không “chẳng phải tự ý mình”?

32. Only by divine intervention will all the crookedness and futility in earthly affairs be removed.

33. Antonyms for Behoof include uselessness, inadequacy, futility, frivolity, incompetence, hopelessness, ineptness, pointlessness, ineffectiveness and ineffectuality

34. 11 The more words,* the more futility; and what advantage do they bring to man?

11 Càng nhiều lời,* càng hư không; con người được lợi gì?

35. Another FDA formal rulemaking dealing with vitamin supplements was an even longer exercise in futility.

36. I fully realized the futility of this enterprise, an unrequited obsession, a one-sided infatuation.

37. 19. (a) In what way does Satan seek to use the futility of life in this system?

19. (a) Sa-tan cố dùng sự hư không của đời sống trong hệ thống này bằng cách nào?

38. 2 Reiteration of a decade-old deception could not fail to foster an enhanced sense of futility.

39. Lecture after lecture, accompanied by complaints about the futility of lectures and his reluctance to give them.

40. Because the one who subjects the creation to futility does so “on the basis of hope.”

Vì Đấng bắt muôn vật phải phục sự hư không làm điều này “với hy vọng”.

41. Reiteration of a decade-old deception could not fail to foster an enhanced sense of futility.

42. Trained to futility by now, we will be ready to engage in further enterprises of a futile nature.

43. 23 Obviously she had realised the futility of luring Silas into a chalet which lacked a double bed.

44. Futility and anticipation of poor quality of life were the reasons most frequently cited by medical staff.

45. Obviously she had realised the futility of luring Silas into a chalet which lacked a double bed.

46. Church had effectively stemmed the flood of artists. To improve upon perfection was, after all, an exercise in futility.

47. What I see now is the complete futility, the gross over-production, the immeasurable waste of emotion and words.

48. 24 What I see now is the complete futility, the gross over-production, the immeasurable waste of emotion and words.

49. An opposition spokesman said he hoped the agreement would give them pause for thought about the futility of violence.

50. Portrait of Sebastian Khan It could be the fear of mortality, or Aimlessness, or futility, or obsolescence, or loss of self