frescoes in Vietnamese

@frescoes /'freskou/
danh từ, số nhiều frescos, frescoes
- lối vẽ trên tường
- tranh nề, tranh tường
nội động từ
- vẽ tranh tường

Sentence patterns related to "frescoes"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "frescoes" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "frescoes", or refer to the context using the word "frescoes" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The frescoes in these churches are magnificent.

2. 2 The frescoes have survived remarkably well.

3. There are also several well-preserved Byzantine frescoes.

4. The frescoes of the church were created by Peter von Cornelius.

Các bức bích họa của nhà thờ được tạo ra bởi Peter Cornelius.

5. The frescoes depict scenes from the Old Testament and the life of Christ.

Những bức tranh tường hoạ tiết những cảnh từ Cựu Ước và cuộc đời của Chúa Kitô.

6. As with Ali Qapu, the palace contains many frescoes and paintings on ceramic.

Như cung điện Ali Qapu, cung điện có nhiều bức bích họa và tranh vẽ trên gốm.

7. Catacomb archaeological superintendent Fabrizio Bisconti describes frescoes found in the Santa Tecla catacombs on Tuesday.

8. Bulgarians are also famed for their artistic abilities, especially in the creation of frescoes, murals and icons

9. And you've been shuffling down long corridors, past statues, frescoes, lots and lots of stuff.

10. Anamorphosis and architecture Often we have heard of Anamorphosis used exclusively in the typical two-dimensionality of paintings and frescoes

11. • Vast modem frescoes Adorned the walls of old buildings, and everywhere seemed to be filled with

12. Images from seals and from the frescoes themselves show people moving majestically in ceremonial costumes to places of sacrifice.

13. The work has brought to life a number of fine frescoes which were concealed beneath a thick layer of plaster.

14. Art restorers had been working on 17th century frescoes by Antonio Palomino in the church of Santos Juanes in Valencia.

15. • On a sunny day, it shimmers brightly, almost obscuring the fine frescoes and reliefs that now Adorn the structure

16. On a sunny day, it shimmers brightly, almost obscuring the fine frescoes and reliefs that now adorn the structure.

17. St. Nicholas Cathedral (1113–1123), containing frescoes of Mstislav's family, graces Yaroslav's Court (formerly the chief square of Novgorod).

Thánh đường St Nicholas (1113-1123), chứa các bích họa về gia đình Mstislav, làm vẻ vang cho triều đình Yaroslav (trước đây là quảng trường chính của Cộng hòa Novgorod).

18. Vast modem frescoes adorned the walls of old buildings, and everywhere seemed to be filled with activity and colour.

19. The inner and outer walls of the Rock Church and the walls of the adjacent chapel are decorated with frescoes.

20. 23 Vast modem frescoes adorned the walls of old buildings, and everywhere seemed to be filled with activity and colour.

21. These are represented by a small chapel at the Peryn Monastery (1230s) and St. Nicholas' on the Lipnya Islet (1292, also notable for its 14th-century frescoes).

Các đại diện tiêu biểu là nhà thờ nhỏ ở Peryn (thập niên 1230) và nhà thờ St Nicholas trên đảo Lipnya (1292, cũng đáng chú ý vì các bích họa thế kỷ 14 của nó).

22. The upper part of the Chamber is decorated by stained glass windows and by six allegorical frescoes representing religion, chivalry and law.

23. Through the fifteenth-century wooden door there is little to detain the visitor, just a few tantalizing traces of eleventh-century frescoes.

24. Spanish restorers are testing this new technique on the frescoes of Antonio Palomino from the 17th century in the Church of Santos Juanes in Valencia.

25. Older paintings in Saint John's Church, Gülşehir Later frescoes in Saint John's Church, in Gülşehir, dated by an inscription to 1212 Iconoclastic paintings in a church in Açıksaray Frescoes in the Karanlık Kilisesi in Göreme from the early twelfth century The first descriptions of the rock-cut architecture of Cappadocia comes from Xenophon's Anabasis of 402 BC.

26. In the central courtyard of the palace is the pillared baradari or pavilion; frescoes and coloured tiles decorate the rooms on the ground and upper floors.

Trong sân trung tâm của cung điện là trụ cột hoặc rạp Baradari; các bức bích họa và gạch màu trang trí các căn phòng trên mặt đất và tầng trên.

27. They built a four-plex rental unit, which is a two–storied apartment designed to modern standards of brick and stone with frescoes on the lower level.

Họ đã xây dựng một đơn vị cho thuê bốn plex, đó là một căn hộ hai tầng được thiết kế theo tiêu chuẩn hiện đại của gạch và đá với những bức bích họa ở tầng thấp hơn.

28. Mauro Pagano's neoclassical salon with giant frescoes and period furniture was destined for a different staging from the one for which the late Martin Battersby devised Noel Cowardish costumes.

29. Today, the audience for Lorenzetti's frescoes is not the governing but the governed, the individual who stands in front of his allegories and walks away with insight, who heeds a call to action.

Ngày nay, những người thưởng thức các bích hoạ của Lorenzetti không phải là những người cai trị mà là bị trị, cá nhân mà đứng trước các ngụ ngôn của ông rồi rời đi với sự thông hiểu, những người chú ý đến lời kêu gọi hành động.

30. Edwards has analysed the numerous parallels established by Altichiero in the Oratory but she has not considered these in relation to the rhetoric of Amplificatio; see Edwards, Mary, ‘ Parallelism in the Frescoes in the Oratory of St George in Padua (1379–1384) ’, Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, 71 (2008), pp

31. The next century saw the development of two original church designs, one of them culminating in St Theodor's church (1360–1361, fine frescoes from 1380s), and another one leading to the Savior church on Ilyina street (1374, painted in 1378 by Feofan Grek).

Thế kỷ tiếp theo là sự phát triển của hai thiết kế nhà thờ nguyên thủy, một trong chúng là nhà thờ St Theodor (1360-61, các bích họa nghệ thuật thập niên 1380),còn cái kia là nhà thờ Chúa Cứu thế tại đường Ilyina (1374, Feofan Grek vẽ năm 1378).

32. ‘The painted retables and carved Altarpieces favored the ‘recollection, even the reliving of the moments of the Passion’.’ ‘Combining art and mass education, Lutheran artists also carefully redefined their own social role, now that the creation of statuary, frescoes, and Altarpieces was condemned as ‘idolatrous’.’

33. The beauty of the second sonata is haunting; I was so lucky to hear it in Arezzo (see/hear from the link in the Comment section), in the church of San Franscesco which holds and guards immortal frescoes of Piero della Franscesco, Das Aretinian Arnogold even though the solemnity of Piero's style did not intertwined too easily with fluid

34. A cartoon (from Italian: Cartone and Dutch: karton—words describing strong, heavy paper or pasteboard) is a full-size drawing made on sturdy paper as a design or modello for a painting, stained glass, or tapestry.Cartoons were typically used in the production of frescoes, to accurately link the component parts of the composition when painted on damp plaster over a series of days (giornate).