food-chain in Vietnamese

* danh từ
- hệ sinh vật mà cách sắp xếp là sinh vật lớp trên ăn sinh vật lớp dưới

Sentence patterns related to "food-chain"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "food-chain" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "food-chain", or refer to the context using the word "food-chain" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. A very active food chain.

2. He started a fast food chain.

3. Bob's, a Brazilian fast food chain.

4. This has made our food chain unbalanced.

5. In a food chain, Carnivores are either …

6. They all study about the food chain.

7. Insects are fairly low down the food chain.

8. The fox is needed in the food chain.

9. 2014 Amendment of the Hungarian food chain inspection fee

10. The point is, I'm moving up the food chain.

Điểm chính là tôi đang tiến lên cấp trên.

11. You're just too far down the food chain to know it.

Vì cậu chỉ thuộc dạng tép riu nên không biết đấy thôi.

12. No wonder we're dangling at the bottom of the food chain.

Thảo nào mà chúng ta cứ lầy lội ở tận cuối của chuỗi mắt xích thức ăn.

13. Explain how "acid precipitation" can move through the food chain. 20.

14. At each stage up the ‘food chain’ the insoluble pesticides concentrate.

15. We have just dropped a notch on the fucking food chain, man.

Chúng ta chỉ là 1 vết lỏm trên miếng thịt mà thôi.

16. I remember learning about the food chain in the 7 th grade.

17. Biomagnification: how DDT becomes concentrated as it passes through a food chain

18. They're shitting bricks because they're no longer on top of the food chain.

Chúng chỉ là đống gạch vụn nếu như không còn gì để ăn.

19. Every animal in the food chain draws nourishment from other animals or plants.

20. The whole food chain is affected by the over-use of chemicals in agriculture.

21. Pollution is having a long-term impact on the food chain in the bay.

22. Food chain Tescos is thought to be interested in taking over the imposing building.

23. Centipedes are situated right in the middle of the insect and pest food chain

24. Someone, somewhere up the food chain... they can move him up the transplant list.

Ai đó ở cấp trên, có thể đẩy ông ấy lên danh sách hiến nội tạng.

25. These are things that are getting into our food chain because of these blooms.

Chúng đang thâm nhập vào chuỗi thức ăn của chúng ta do những đợt bùng phát này.

26. Barramundi are flexitarians that eat low on the food chain and are efficient to raise

27. He warned of the possibility that “soluble forms of platinum could enter the food chain.”

28. The trophic level of an organism is the position it occupies in a food chain.

Bậc dinh dưỡng của một sinh vật là vị trí sinh vật đó đứng trong một chuỗi thức ăn.

29. 28 Food chain Tescos is thought to be interested in taking over the imposing building.

30. Heavy metals are persistence and they can also cause Biomagnifications and accumulate in food chain

31. Vegetation, from grasses to trees, is the foundation of the “food chain” on the land.

32. This poses a threat to agriculture and the food chain, and consequently to human health.

33. It is like a food chain—there is interdependency and a delicate balance among all players.

34. Pesticides work their way up the food chain from plants, through insects and birds to humans.

35. Ordinary households at the bottom of the economic food chain were left to pay the bill.

36. Barium is usually associated with calcium and strontium in the food chain from plants to animals

37. Algae are important as primary producers of organic matter at the base of the food chain

38. Biomagnification, which is the increase in concentration of toxins up the food chain, especially affects you

39. Hydrocarbon and Benzpyrene accumulate in food chain and consumption of fish by man may cause cancer

40. Armadillos have an instrumental role to play in the animal food chain as both prey and predators

41. 18 The South Pasadena specialty food chain recently started lowering its prices for gourmet roasted whole beans.

42. Figure In Biomagnification the concentration of the persistent toxins (crosses) increase higher up the food chain

43. For animals closer to the bottom of the food chain, physical Adaptations are important for self-protection

44. A Brouhaha erupted on Twitter after the fast food chain announced that it was raising its prices

45. Boa Constrictors may be big and fierce, but they’re not at the top of the food chain

46. Biological mAgnification definition, the increasing concentration of toxic substances within each successive link in the food chain

47. As we all know, the tiger is an apex consumer in the ecological pyramid and food chain.

48. If this does not happen, we may lose our European farming activity and our food chain industry.

49. So ocean acidification could affect right up through the food chain -- and right onto our dinner plates.

50. Analphabetical Order Awaiting Instructions · 2017 Survival of the Quitter On Top of the Food Chain · 2017 Sob 40 Awaiting Instructions · 2017 The Art of Being Apart of a Part On Top of the Food Chain · 2017 Pariasparty