flowing water in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-nước chảy
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-nước chảy

Sentence patterns related to "flowing water"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "flowing water" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "flowing water", or refer to the context using the word "flowing water" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Fiction is flowing water.

Ngược lại, truyện hư cấu là dòng nước chảy.

2. Flowing water does not get stale.

3. Mars : Nasa images show signs of flowing water

Sao Hỏa : hình ảnh của Nasa cho thấy dấu hiệu nước chảy

4. Flowing water and green grass witness your lover's endless prattle.

5. Flowing water associated with glaciers may also deposit Alluvium, but …

6. " This could be the first flowing water , " said Professor McEwen .

" Đây có thể là hiện tượng nước chảy đầu tiên , " theo lời Giáo sư McEwen .

7. Over many years, flowing water wore deep grooves into the rock.

8. System for reducing hydrodynamic loads on turbine blades in flowing water

9. These turtles are all aquatic, inhabiting streams and other flowing water.

Những con rùa này là những con suối nước, người sinh sống và những dòng nước chảy khác.

10. Alluvium definition, a deposit of sand, mud, etc., formed by flowing water

11. Valles Marineris may have been enlarged by flowing water at this time.

12. Fallen flowers intends to woo flowing water, only to draw a blank.

13. Camels prefer still water or slowly flowing water to that of running streams .

14. Flowing water was not the only source of natural energy used to power millstones.

Sức nước chảy không phải là nguồn năng lực thiên nhiên duy nhất dùng để quay máy xay.

15. On Saturday evening came the Easter Vigil, a night of lilies, fire and flowing water.

16. 16 EYE: Irrigate with flowing water for 15 minutes. If irritation persists, consult a physician.

17. Active heads, spraying water, will produce sounds of flowing water to which the transducers respond.

18. What does Alluvium mean? Sediment deposited by flowing water, as in a riverbed, flood plain, or delta

19. Aqueduct definition is - a conduit for water; especially : one for carrying a large quantity of flowing water

20. Flowing water pushed against the paddles of a vertical wheel fixed to a horizontal axle, causing the wheel to turn.

21. Teton Aquatic Algicide and Herbicide, for algae and aquatic plant control in quiescent, slow moving, and flowing water aquatic sites

22. Its distance from the Sun was just right to sustain life, providing the right kind of equable temperatures and flowing water.

23. But there is intriguing evidence that suggests that the early history of Mars there may have been rivers and fast flowing water.

Nhưng có bằng chứng hấp dẫn cho thấy rằng ở thời kỳ đầu của lịch sử sao Hỏa có thể có những dòng sông và dòng nước xiết.

24. Alluvial is a term that refers to soil sediments and the various sand, silt, gravel, clay or other deposited matter left behind by flowing water

25. The road of life is like a large river,because of the power of the currents,river courses appear unexpectedly where there is no flowing water.

26. Water Bending is based on Tai Chi, which is a Chinese martial art that features slow movements and elegant forms that evoke the feel of flowing water

27. Alluvial fans, triangular deposits of gravel, sand and even smaller pieces of sediment often found in deserts, are usually created as flowing water interacts with mountains, hills or canyons.

28. Alluvium (plural Alluviums or alluvia) soil, clay, silt or gravel deposited by flowing water, as it slows, in a river bed, delta, estuary or flood plain Synonyms: alluvion, alluvial deposit; Translations

29. Electrical power is usually generated by electro-mechanical generators driven by steam produced from fossil fuel combustion, or the heat released from nuclear reactions; or from other sources such as kinetic energy extracted from wind or flowing water.

Điện năng thường được sản xuất từ các máy phát cơ - điện quay bởi các tuabin hơi được đun nóng từ việc đốt nhiên liệu hóa thạch, hoặc từ nhiệt giải phóng ra từ các lò phản ứng hạt nhân; hoặc từ những nguồn khác như thu cơ năng từ gió hoặc dòng chảy của nước.

30. As nouns the difference between alluvium and Colluvium is that alluvium is soil, clay, silt or gravel deposited by flowing water, as it slows, in a river bed, delta, estuary or flood plain while Colluvium is (geology) a loose accumulation of rock and soil debris at the foot of a slope.

31. As nouns the difference between alluvium and Alluvial is that alluvium is soil, clay, silt or gravel deposited by flowing water, as it slows, in a river bed, delta, estuary or flood plain while Alluvial is a deposition of sediment over a long period of time by a river; an Alluvial layer

32. As nouns the difference between Alluvium and alluvial is that Alluvium is soil, clay, silt or gravel deposited by flowing water, as it slows, in a river bed, delta, estuary or flood plain while alluvial is a deposition of sediment over a long period of time by a river; an alluvial layer

33. Alluviation (s) (noun), Alluviations (pl) The depositions or formations of sediments or materials that have been carried and left on land areas by running water; such as rivers or streams: Alluviations are the results of sand, silt, mud, or other detritus (loose materials) left by flowing water in river beds, flood plains, lakes, etc.

34. Bethesda (house of mercy, or the flowing water), the Hebrew name of a reservoir or tank, with five "porches," close upon the sheep-gate or "market" in Jerusalem.( John 5:2) The largest reservoir - Birket Israil - 360 feet long, 120 feet wide and 80 feet deep, within the walls of the city, close by St

35. Bethesda (house of mercy, or the flowing water), the Hebrew name of a reservoir or tank, with five "porches," close upon the sheep-gate or "market" in Jerusalem.() The largest reservoir - Birket Israil - 360 feet long, 120 feet wide and 80 feet deep, within the walls of the city, close by St

36. A canyon may be defined as a deep gap between steep or sheer sided rock walls, formed by flowing water, and ranges greatly in size - from the mile deep, 277 mile long Grand Canyon to the sinuous slot Canyons of the Colorado Plateau, which may be just a few inches across but dozens or hundreds of feet deep.

37. The present invention relates to a hydro and wind power generator, in which water flowing along a pipe and the blades of a water turbine are in mutual contact such that the width of the pipe at the contact point is narrowed to enable the water to flow faster, and in which the height of the water turbine is adjusted in accordance with the velocity and the amount of the flowing water to adequately adjust the amount of electricity generated.