fixed exchange rate in Vietnamese

@Fixed exchange rate
- (Econ) Tỷ giá hối đoái cố định.
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-tỷ hối cố định

Sentence patterns related to "fixed exchange rate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fixed exchange rate" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fixed exchange rate", or refer to the context using the word "fixed exchange rate" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Since 2009, Turkmenistan has maintained the fixed exchange rate.

Từ năm 2009, Turkmenistan đã duy trì tỷ giá hối đoái cố định.

2. Bimetallism establishes a fixed exchange rate between gold and silver

3. Single currency and basket pegs are classified as fixed exchange rate regimes.

4. With a fixed exchange rate, has not this country badly lost competitiveness?

5. 16 Who Wants to Unfasten the Screw of Fixed Exchange Rate of RMB?

6. Note that this was written in 1999, when Argentina had a Fixed exchange rate.

7. The current fixed exchange rate policy (peg to the USD) has helped anchor inflation expectations.

8. Non-fixed exchange rate with the French franc, which devalues 4 times vs. the US dollar.

Tỷ giá hối đoái không cố định với đồng franc Pháp, giảm giá 4 lần so với đô la Mỹ.

9. 19 Under a fixed exchange rate a currency flow surplus is likely to persist for some time.

10. It also exerts less of a pressure for adjustment than is exerted under a fixed exchange rate system.

11. David Laidler argued that a fixed exchange rate virtually defines a monetary policy regime, as does a crawling peg.

12. 28 So far we have briefly explained how a free-floating and a rigidly fixed exchange rate system are supposed to operate.

13. It is introduced that after the reformation of fixed exchange rate system, zero-average reserve requirement system is practiced based on zero-average settlement balance in Mexico.

14. A currency crisis is a situation in which serious doubt exists as to whether a country's central bank has sufficient foreign exchange reserves to maintain the country's fixed exchange rate.

Một cuộc khủng hoảng tiền tệ là một tình huống có nghi ngờ nghiêm trọng về việc liệu một ngân hàng trung ương của một quốc gia có dự trữ ngoại tệ đủ để duy trì tỷ giá cố định của nước này hay không.