firmly in Vietnamese

@firmly /'fə:mli/
* phó từ
- vững chắc
- kiên quyết

Sentence patterns related to "firmly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "firmly" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "firmly", or refer to the context using the word "firmly" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Grasp the thistle firmly.

2. A Firmly Set Anchor

3. You grasp your Mandrake firmly.

Hãy nắm chặt cây nhân sâm!

4. Each one firmly will stand.

mạnh dạn, kiên tâm bước đi.

5. Pack the soil down firmly.

6. The proposal was firmly rejected.

7. We stood firmly against expansionism.

8. The struts are firmly braced.

9. 27 She knotted the parcel firmly.

10. "Calm down," he told her firmly.

11. Massage the area gently but firmly.

12. The Value of Firmly Set Anchors

Giá Trị của Những Cái Neo Được Đặt Vững Chắc

13. The usage is now firmly indurated.

14. Understand the difference between Brawnily and Firmly.

15. He guided her firmly towards the sofa.

16. Inveterate, Confirmed, chronic mean firmly established

17. " No , No buts . " I said firmly .

Tôi nghiêm giọng , " Không nhưng nhị gì cả .

18. He pressed the lid firmly shut.

19. He firmly believed that he was right.

20. The buck stops firmly with the boss.

21. Christ firmly responded: “Get behind me, Satan!

Đấng Christ cương quyết đáp: “Ớ Sa-tan, hãy lui ra đằng sau ta!

22. Pack the dirt firmly round the plants.

23. The city remains firmly under martial law.

24. Clench (v.) "to grasp firmly," c

25. Make sure all the wires remain firmly attached.

26. The child Clutched her mother's hand firmly

27. Mordecai replied firmly to bolster Esther’s faith.

Mạc-đô-chê trả lời một cách cương quyết để làm vững mạnh đức tin của Ê-xơ-tê.

28. He Clamped his hand firmly onto Jack's shoulder

29. Firmly fixed; not easily changed: an inCorrigible habit.

30. Wrap the Bandage firmly around the injured limb

31. The tiles were stuck firmly to the wall.

32. The back is muscular with firmly muscled loin.

33. He tied his dressing gown firmly around him.

34. Her sympathies lie firmly with the Conservative Party.

35. 14 That door was firmly shut in Robertson.

36. 23 Mordecai replied firmly to bolster Esther’s faith.

23 Mạc-đô-chê trả lời một cách cương quyết để làm vững mạnh đức tin Ê-xơ-tê.

37. Peter firmly subjugated the Church to the State.

38. John secured the boat firmly to the jetty.

39. The roots grew down firmly in the soil.

40. The idea firmly lodged itself in the public consciousness.

41. The business was soon firmly established in the town.

42. Her sympathies lie firmly with the Conservative Party.

43. 10 She's now firmly established as an art dealer.

44. 8 Wrap the bandage firmly around the injured limb.

45. Make sure that the boards are firmly laced in.

46. They had to be dealt with diplomatically but firmly.

47. The Biometrist must press firmly on the globe

48. We firmly believe in zero tolerance against terrorism.

49. Canada remains firmly committed to the # ABM treaty

50. Take it firmly in your hand and squeeze.

Cầm chắc nó trong tay và siết nó.