field theory in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "field theory"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "field theory" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "field theory", or refer to the context using the word "field theory" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. This blends particle physics with field theory.

Điều này pha trộn vật lý hạt với lý thuyết từ trường.

2. Number theory, field theory, algebraic geometry, algebra, group theory

3. In addition he is concerned with anomalies in quantum field theory.

4. The exchange interactions are taken into account within a mean field theory approximation.

5. More generally, lattice gauge theory and lattice field theory are areas of study.

6. The colour curve shows three absorption bands in agreement with the crystal field theory.

7. Retinal vessel width measurement at Branchings using an improved electric field theory-based graph approach

8. Relationships were established with previous work in classical field theory, algebroid theory and differential geometry.

9. The symplectic field theory as well as its subcomplexes, rational symplectic field theory and contact homology, are defined as homologies of differential algebras, which are generated by closed orbits of the Reeb vector field of a chosen contact form.

10. Gromov-Witten invariants have evolved together with gauge theory, quantum field theory, symplectic geometry and algebraic geometry.

11. I want the same brilliant mind that solved the unified field theory to help me help Live Corp.

Ta muốn nhờ bộ óc " thiên tài " của mi giúp ta khôi phục Tập đoàn LIVE

12. Amplitudes 2018 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Scattering Amplitudes are the arena where quantum field theory directly confronts experiment.

13. Karl-Henning Rehren (born 1956 in Celle) is a German physicist who focuses on algebraic quantum field theory.

14. The mean-field theory is extended to take into account the local field fluctuations in the Gaussian approximation.

15. Why quantum field theory that describes a universe with a certain number of forces and particles and so forth?

16. Working with Hasse, he dealt with algebraic number theory and produced a script of Hassen's lecture on class-field theory.

17. The field theory progressed even more dramatically when, a few decades later, Hertz produced the radio waves predicted by the programme.

18. He has also worked on gerbes, cyclic homology, Quillen bundles, and geometric class field theory, among other geometric and algebraic topics.

19. Papers over the next few years covered areas such as group theory, field theory, Lie rings, semigroups, Abelian groups and ring theory.

20. Araki works on axiomatic quantum field theory and statistical mechanics in particular on application of operator algebras (von Neumann algebras, C*-algebras).

21. 29 Wolfram's early scientific work was mainly in high-energy physics, quantum field theory, and cosmology, and included several now-classic results.

22. These ideas were unified by Kenneth G. Wilson in 1972, under the formalism of the renormalization group in the context of quantum field theory.

Những ý tưởng này được Kenneth Wilson thống nhất vào năm 1972 dưới hình thức luận của nhóm tái chuẩn hóa trong khuôn khổ của lý thuyết trường lượng tử.

23. We construct a classical solution which represents an arbitrary number of D-Branes and ghost D-Branes in the context of open string field theory

24. With Boris Feigin he determined the structure of Verma modules in the Virasoro algebra representation theory, which has applications in string theory and conformal field theory.

25. More precisely, and technically, a Feynman diagram is a graphical representation of a perturbative contribution to the transition amplitude or correlation function of a quantum mechanical or statistical field theory.

Chính xác hơn, và về mặt kỹ thuật, biểu đồ Feynman là một biểu đồ thể hiện những đóng góp nhiễu loạn vào biên độ chuyển tiếp hay hàm tương quan của một lý thuyết trường thống kê hay cơ học lượng tử.

26. Class field theory is a branch of algebraic number theory which seeks to classify all the abelian extensions of a given algebraic number field, meaning Galois extensions with abelian Galois group.

27. Local class field theory of characteristic p>0: The module A is the separable algebraic closure of the field of formal Laurent series over a finite field, and G is the Galois group.

28. The product of the local reciprocity maps in local class field theory gives a homomorphism of the idele group to the Galois group of the maximal abelian extension of the number or function field.

29. One of the aims of proposed non-abelian class field theory is to incorporate the complex-analytic nature of Artin L-functions into a larger framework, such as is provided by automorphic forms and the Langlands program.

30. Amplitudes 2018 Summer School Photo Gallery from the Summer School Scattering Amplitudes are the arena where quantum field theory directly confronts experiment, and the precise predictions are crucial for the beyond Standard Model searches at particle colliders such as LHC.

31. Amplitudes 2020, the 12th in a series of annual meetings, brings together a community of physicists and mathematicians to showcase the most recent developments in expanding our understanding of formal and phenomenological aspects of scattering Amplitudes in quantum field theory

32. Complex Conjugation, the change of sign of the imaginary part of a complex number Conjugate (square roots), the change of sign of a square root in an expression Conjugate element (field theory), a generalization of the preceding Conjugations to roots of a polynomial of any degree

33. On 27th February I will give an invited seminar in the TQFT study group at the University of Warsaw, in which I will discuss a construction of a 3-dimensional topological quantum field theory (3D-TQFT) in terms of modular functors, from which we obtain a theory of quantum invariants of 3-manifolds with embedded banded links.

34. Why is the Brout-Englert-Higgs Mechanism needed: a quick revisition I The framework that combines principles of the Quantum Mechanics and the Special Relativity is the Quantum Field Theory (QFT) I Lagrangian (L) is used instead of Hamiltonian (H) I Physicists knew the Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) and tried to build a theory to explain the β-decay based on similar ideas