extensional in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "extensional"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "extensional" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "extensional", or refer to the context using the word "extensional" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Features (Accidencies) to oppose the denotation (extensional)

2. The thrusting is thick-skinned in type, involving reverse reactivation of much older extensional faults.

Việc đẩy là loại vỏ dày, liên quan đến việc kích hoạt ngược lại nhiều phay mở rộng quá cũ.

3. 16 The extensional system is a "horizontal layered" thin-skinned tectonics at the crustal scale.

4. Postulating N renders all possible products definable, but also transforms classical extensional mereology into a set-free model of Boolean algebra.

5. However, typical black matrix breccias are thought to have formed by hydrothermal fluids that utilized extensional faults, Brecciating the carbonate host …

6. Previous studies have shown the kinematics of the velocity field in this apparatus to be approximately those ofLagrangian-unsteady extensional deformations; the results are consequently of interest in distinguishing between alternate constitutive predictions of the stress levels in extensional flows, and in fluid mechanical applications in which such deformation fields occur.

7. In places the collisions split the old Altaid edifice at high angles to the collision front, creating extensional basins such as the Turgay (Torghay) Valley of Kazakhstan,…

8. Rapid cooling is attributed to post-20 Ma uplift of mylonitic gneisses in the footwall of an evolving low-angle detachment fault system of extensional origin.

9. 4 The Hujianshan Area is dominated by fluvial and lacustrine-fluviolacustrine delta sediments in Yanchang Formation,[www.Sentencedict.com] which locates in the south extensional of delta system of Anbian.

10. The Junggar, Turfan and Alakol basins in northwestern China and Kazakhstan formed as Late Permian to ?Early Triassic extensional structures in a broad sinistral shear zone between large strike-slip faults that separate two main domains of the Altaid orogenic collage

11. ‘The field evidence includes the presence of several longitudinal extensional folds such as a rollover Anticline and drag folds that are related to normal faults in the area.’ ‘This mechanical failure results in a topographic valley along the crest of the Anticline.’

12. The style of extensional quartz veins changed during deformation and metamorphism of greywacke–mudstones near Yellowknife, with successive types of veins accompanying a progression from steeply plunging, predominantly macroscopic F1, and F2 folds to mesoscopic F3 folds and subvertical S3 axial planar cleavages.

13. Several significant phenomena unknown inNewtonian fluid mechanics are seen to have their origin in the tensile normal stresses generated by these extensional deformations of viscoelastic fluid media; they include the separation of particles or bubbles in accelerating flows (the „Uebler” effect), the operability of ductless siphons („Spinnbarkeit“) and, probably, turbulent drag reduction.