extempore in Vietnamese

@extempore /eks'tempəri/
* tính từ & phó từ
- ứng khẩu, tuỳ ứng

Sentence patterns related to "extempore"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "extempore" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "extempore", or refer to the context using the word "extempore" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The song was composed extempore.

2. A great poet once wrote an extempore poem here.

3. His remarks were extempore and may need to be qualified.

4. At the audition, the actors were asked to perform extempore.

5. The judgments were very short and appear to have been extempore.

6. This is usually performed extempore, following the whims of the singer, musician and/or dancer.

7. His means of communication - singing the poems or hymns he had composed extempore - was all his own.

8. The teaching of piano extempore accompaniment is the work in which theory and practice are closely jointed.

9. First is the extempore of the artist's creativity, make the "incompleteness" art work.

10. The cultivating process of the ability of extempore accompaniment is also the process of exerting, opening up and developing students' ability of creation.

11. At present, the existing GIS system that faces the extempore inquire can't meet the demand of the enterprises running.

12. We had family prayers before breakfast with extempore prayers from Father, who had the faculty of producing these on demand.

13. 16 We had family prayers before breakfast with extempore prayers from Father, who had the faculty of producing these on demand.

14. The instant finding, seizing the opportunity in good time and fully playing on spot in the observation of the accident form the trilogy of the extempore interview.

15. ROLAP involves in complex extempore query on a mass of data. These queries include multi-table join and aggregation operation from SQL's point of view.

16. Interpretation is defined as an extempore oral reproduction, in one language, of what is said in another language. And people who do interpreting are called interpreters.

17. Cornet Richard Grahame descended the hill, bearing in his hand the extempore flag of truce, and making his managed horse keep time by bounds and Curvets to the tune which he whistled