export growth potential in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-tiềm năng tăng trưởng xuất khẩu

Sentence patterns related to "export growth potential"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "export growth potential" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "export growth potential", or refer to the context using the word "export growth potential" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. We want export- led growth.

Chúng tôi muốn xuất khẩu thúc đẩy sự tăng trưởng.

2. More countries are relying on export-led growth.

Ngày càng có nhiều nước phụ thuộc vào tăng trưởng nhờ xuất khẩu.

3. • The key to future growth is enhanced export competitiveness.

• Chìa khóa cho tăng trưởng tương lai là tăng cường khả năng cạnh tranh trong xuất khẩu.

4. What a fine potential for growth!

Tiềm lực phát triển thật là khả quan!

5. Strong export growth, along with steady consumption growth, is expected to nudge Brazil’s growth to 3.7 percent in 2016.

Tăng mạnh xuất khẩu, và tăng tiêu dùng sẽ kéo tăng trưởng Brazil lên mức 3,7% năm 2016.

6. - Solid export growth thanks to strong performance of foreign-invested sector:

- Xuất khẩu tăng ở mức cao nhờ khu vực có vốn đầu tư nước ngoài:

7. The company certainly has the potential for growth.

8. 20 The last set of trade figures showed exceptionally strong export growth.

9. 28 Now, export growth to Europe looks as if it is wobbling.

10. There is great potential for export to India of palm oil and pulses.

11. Inequality is stifling human growth and potential and economies.

Bất bình đẳng đang kìm hãm sự phát triển, tiềm năng và nền kinh tế của con người.

12. Potential complications included ileus, intussusception or an immuring growth.

13. Germany's strong export has been the Eurozone 15 country economic growth propelling force.

14. The relatively low aggregate demand also affects negatively growth output and estimates of potential growth.

15. The country’s consistent policy of openness and export-led growth has paid off.

Nhờ có chính sách mở cửa nhất quán và lấy tăng trưởng xuất khẩu làm đầu tàu, Việt Nam đã đạt được những thành quả quan trọng.

16. The growth-boosting potential of debt seemed to peter out.

17. 26 High interest rates and protectionism in potential export markets worsened the current account balance.

18. However, a further decline in growth-enhancing expenditure would risk adversely affecting potential growth in the future.

19. The country’s consistent policy of openness and export-led growth has paid off well.

Nhờ có chính sách nhất quán về mở cửa và tăng trưởng lấy xuất khẩu làm mũi nhọn nên Việt Nam đã đạt được một số kết quả tốt.

20. The large current account surplus increased further in 2017 due to strong export growth.

21. * Fostering global growth—both actual and potential—is a key priority

22. The growth of the export market has helped to compensate for sluggish demand at home.

23. 14 Indeed, one proximate cause of the crisis was a tapering - off of export growth.

24. Most are thrilled by the idea of export growth, but cower prospect of more imports.

25. One of the problems is the generally inadequate growth potential of advertising.