existential in Vietnamese

@existential /,egzis'tenʃəl/
* tính từ
- (thuộc) sự tồn tại, (thuộc) sự sống, (thuộc) sự sống còn
- (triết học) khẳng định sự tồn tại

Sentence patterns related to "existential"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "existential" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "existential", or refer to the context using the word "existential" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Humanistic Approaches to therapy include: Existential therapy

2. I was full of ontological uncertainty and existential angst.

Tôi không thấy chắc chắn về bản thể luận và rất nghi ngại về thuyết hiện sinh.

3. Unrelenting Barbarity by Existential Dissipation, released 12 February 2021 1

4. The existential approach of discrimination of Semantic Presupposition and Semantic Entailment.

5. I'll also sketch out some comparisons between existential psychotherapy and religious consolation.

6. Stories accompany me, keeping my pieces and memories together, like an existential glue.

Những câu chuyện đồng hành cùng với tôi, giữ tôi và kỉ niệm gắn kết với nhau như một chất keo cho sự tồn tại.

7. 17 Initially, it was the existential absurdity of his predicament that reduced Sooty to silence.

8. This paper presents these aspects from the view of logotherapy and existential analysis.

9. Firstly there is an interesting Byplay in the film between sexual and existential desire

10. The Bummers are the mopey emo band you need to sing you the bleakest existential truths

11. Angst is a concept derived from existential anxiety referring to anxiety about one’s existence

12. Ludwig Binswanger contributed much to the idea of existence in the school of existential psychology.

Binswanger đã góp công rất nhiều cho quan điểm về hiện hữu trong trường phái tâm lý học hiện sinh.

13. At the time, Hollywood was locked in a Brobdingnagian battle with an existential competitor: television.

14. An Authentically meaningful life is one that answers to the existential condition of being human

15. As other branches of theology, eschatology was explained according to the private, individual, and existential method.

16. Comet is a remarkably compelling existential film that explores the nature of love, art, and dreams

17. Climate change is an existential challenge on which some common ground exists, that needs to be consolidated.

18. An existential comedy about the mother of two young children who begins to spontaneously vomit toy Blocks.

19. Anti-Apartheidism and Anti-Beinartism are not only NOT Anti-Semitism’, they are simply protectors of existential human rights.

20. 14 For some reason, maybe just an existential weariness, U. S. steel companies stopped doing these things.

21. (Beckett, as usual, defines this trend by negation, constraining his characters to more stationary forms of existential Bewailment

22. Chugger is a surreal quirky drama dealing with the eternal issues of existential angst and pursuit of happiness. Chugger, a mid-twenties Charity fundraiser, who, on the 1-year anniversary of doing his job has an existential crisis during his lunch break.

23. But it is the white mob that poses the existential threat, and Trump has cashed in on its Bloodthirstiness

24. The concept of Aromanticism—the incapacity or unwillingness to reciprocate romantic feelings or love—runs throughout Sumney’s fragile, existential

25. The condition had a significant impact on personal identity, raised existential issues and was interpreted as facing a blind alley

26. Elon Musk warns that it's an existential risk and one of the greatest risks that we face as a civilization.

Elon Musk cảnh báo đó là mối nguy hại liên quan đến sự tồn vong và là một trong những hiểm hoạ lớn nhất nền văn minh này phải đối mặt.

27. This thesis will expatiate the underlying existential text of Tess from the visual angle of dramatis personae , Tess and D'Urberville.

28. The condition had a significant impact on personal identity, raised existential issues and was interpreted as facing a blind alley

29. Karl Barth added to Kierkegaard's ideas the notion that existential despair leads an individual to an awareness of God's infinite nature.

30. 17 This thesis will expatiate the underlying existential text of Tess from the visual angle of dramatis personae , Tess and D'Urberville.

31. The quiet and provocative sci-fi feature “The Bestowal” drills deep into the existential zeitgeist that looms over our troubled times

32. New Puscifer “Apocalyptical” Out NowStream Buy the song here: https://Puscifer.lnk.to/ApocalypticalIDNew Album "Existential Reckoning" Out Now via Alchemy

33. Taught by a metastasizing campus-diversity bureaucracy to believe that they are subject to an existential threat from Circumambient bias, students …

34. Similarly, negative existential propositions can be reproduced in terms of, and are theoretically interchangeable with, certain conjunctions of negative singular propositions.

35. Bytie (Byi-ti-yi) / to exist Another fairly existential word on the list, the root of this word is actually Russian for ‘ to exist’

36. Banditry, powered by rogue arms and ammo in rogue hands is, therefore, an existential danger that must be faced down and defeated

37. Adj.- metaphorical juxtaposion of the effect of being Bucked (standard def.) by a donkey, as it pertains to an existential circumstance 2.

38. To coefficiently půjčka 20000 na dva mesice chronicling their Hanley's, everybody existential fester many caseous Antiecclesiastically among pan pujcky online zliv belly's enforcedly.

39. As if the two forms of reason, scientific and juridical, started out by analyzing or carving up an existential and categorical Earth, fundamental, transcendental, Archradical

40. Facing an existential threat, the Confederation states pledged their full support, sending troops, food and arms in preparation for the invasion from the south.

Đối diện với mối đe dọa hiện hữu, các quốc gia trong liên minh cam kết sự ủng hộ hoàn toàn của họ, gửi binh sĩ, lương thực vũ khí để chuẩn bị cho một cuộc xâm chiếm từ phía nam.

41. Boogaloo resonance coincides with exceptional levels of uncertainty and existential fears related to the COVID-19 pandemic, a hyperpartisan political environment susceptible to Russian

42. Crowdsourcing and investigative journalism - Anyone can be a publisher now, existential crisis in journalism, what is it that professional journalists can do that others cannot VEHKOO, 2013

43. Indeed, the existential “Combativeness” of young men in tribal cultures seems hard-wired to a degree shocking to people who have grown used to openness

44. Basically, we face an enormous and growing number of gigantic, existential global challenges: climate change, human rights abuses, mass migration, terrorism, economic chaos, weapons proliferation.

Về cơ bản, chúng ta đối mặt với một số lớn và đang tăng của các vấn đề toàn cầu nổi cộm đang hiện hữu: biến đổi khí hậu, vi phạm nhân quyền, di cư hàng loạt, khủng bố, khủng hoảng kinh tế, gia tăng vũ khí.

45. This paper analyses the existential problems of the scaly chain stoker, and introduces two types of the light chain stokers , which operate more economically and safely.

46. John Bogomil January 18 at 8:45 AM · Every person must defeat the chimera (illusion) of fear, otherwise he, by definition, remains an existential neurotic

47. I have personally described it like thus: I was prepared to Boundingly wail off the edge of the existential cliff, with my parachute packed for landing

48. In existential analysis the specificity of great traumatizing is considered to be the experience of "horror" at seeing the abysmal side of being (instead of the nothingness).

49. This change was obviously unbalanced and directed mainly by the state. The pluralistic framework of dispute resolving transformed from a co-existential state to an intercrossed one.

50. The main aim of the paper is to compare two types of Abstractionistic accounts of fictional objects, and to analyze their consequences for interpretation of existential quantification