exempt from in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-miễn (trừ)

Sentence patterns related to "exempt from"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "exempt from" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "exempt from", or refer to the context using the word "exempt from" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Their income is exempt from state taxes.

2. Some students are exempt from certain exams.

3. Children are exempt from the charges.

4. Most women are exempt from reserve duty.

Hầu hết nữ giới được miễn nhiệm vụ dự bị.

5. This income is totally exempt from taxation.

6. Cybercafes definitely aren’t exempt from scammers either

7. Pensioners are automatically exempt from prescription charges.

8. Bequests are exempt from federal estate taxes

9. The interest is exempt from income tax .

10. Virtually all students will be exempt from the tax.

11. 21 The interest is exempt from income tax .

12. Their income is exempt from state taxes. Sentencedict.com

13. Beer for personal use is exempt from duty.

14. Men in college were exempt from military service.

15. Openly gay men are exempt from military service.

Những người đồng tính nam công khai được miễn nghĩa vụ quân sự.

16. Any profits made are totally exempt from taxation.

17. Even the Boy Scouts aren't exempt from Trump's Boorishness

18. The interest on the money is exempt from tax.

19. No one is exempt from the storms of life.

Không một ai được miễn khỏi bão tố của cuộc đời.

20. Goods exempt from this tax include books and children's clothes.

21. 25 The interest on the money is exempt from tax.

22. So as a miner, I was exempt from military service.

Là một người làm ở mỏ than, tôi được miễn nghĩa vụ quân sự.

23. 14 No dedicated Christian is exempt from this preaching work.

14 Không một tín đồ đấng Christ đã dâng mình được miễn làm công việc rao giảng này.

24. A large number of state-owned enterprises were exempt from privatisation.

Một số lớn doanh nghiệp thuộc sở hữu nhà nước đã bị loại khỏi quá trình tư nhân hoá.

25. Some close Advisers are exempt from having to submit financial disclosures

26. However, investigators possessing less than 500 mg are exempt from regulation.

Tuy nhiên, các nhà nghiên cứu sở hữu ít hơn 100 mg được miễn trừ.

27. A number of CIS countries are officially exempt from Uzbekistan import duties.

Một số quốc gia thuộc cộng đồng các quốc gia độc lập được chính thức miễn trừ các khoản thuế nhập khẩu của Uzbekistan.

28. Pregnant women are exempt from dental charges under the current health system.

29. Annatto - Color additives exempt from certification and permanently listed for COSMETIC use

30. Students are exempt from some classes in the curriculum for religious reasons.

31. The biggest lorries will be exempt from much of the duty they now pay.

32. There are few important national resources that are entirely exempt from economic transnational practices.

33. Only women with young children (under age # ) are exempt from the employment test

34. Health insurance premium worth Rs 50,000 will be exempt from the Income tax.

35. In its capacity as an international air carrier, OA is exempt from VAT.

36. At the same time, the culpable faction is viewed as exempt from organizational control.

37. Under current European legislation only vaccination campaigns are exempt from the general advertising ban.

38. Food products (except alcoholic beverages) are exempt from value-added tax (VAT) in Mexico.

39. Diplomats are exempt from import duty and tariffs for items for their personal use.

Các nhà ngoại giao được miễn thuế nhập khẩu và các khoản thuế cho những đồ sử dụng cá nhân của họ.

40. In the United Kingdom, many discharges from abandoned mines are exempt from regulatory control.

Ở Anh, nhiều chất phế thải từ mỏ bỏ hoang được miễn điều khiển.

41. Information exempt from disclosure is defined and includes information relating to an individual's education.

42. However, air carriers are exempt from Section # regulation by the Federal Trade Commission under # U.S.C. #(a

43. Such premises will consequently be exempt from the additional rate, the business property occupation tax

44. Once the Southlands are subdued,... your families will be exempt from taxes for three years.

Đợi đến khi Đông Ngô bị thảo phạt. Mỗi người các ngươi, mỗi hộ được miễn thuế 3 năm.

45. He asked sarcastically.'You should have declared that. Perfume is not exempt from import duty.'

46. Such premises will consequently be exempt from the additional rate, the business property occupation tax.

47. Trusts are allowed for public offering in Bulgaria and are exempt from corporate income tax.

48. As a special dispensation, war-widows will be exempt from one-time contribution to join ECHS.

49. They shall be exempt from national taxes on salaries, wages and emoluments paid by the Communities

50. Citizens of Bangladesh, India, and Maldives are exempt from charges on issuance and extensions of permits.

Công dân của Bangladesh, Ấn Độ, và Maldives được miễn phí bảo hiểm và gia hạn giấy phép.