exclusion in Vietnamese

- sự loại trừ

Sentence patterns related to "exclusion"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "exclusion" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "exclusion", or refer to the context using the word "exclusion" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Common exclusion reasons include:

Các lý do loại trừ phổ biến bao gồm:

2. Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), U.S

3. The exclusion is therefore highly technical.

4. Cep's COVID-19 evidence inclusion/exclusion criteria

5. General donor exclusion criteria (i) Transmissible diseases At present there are few absolute exclusion criteria for organ and tissue donation.

6. But that's not apathy; that's intentional exclusion.

Nhưng đó không phải là sự lãnh đạm; đó là sự ngăn chặn có chủ tâm.

7. Explain the significance of the exclusion principle.

8. They were to be treated as exclusion clauses.

9. Exclusion impoverishes; accepting others despite their differences enriches.

10. Well, consider the results of Japan’s policy of exclusion.

Hãy xem chính sách bài ngoại của nước Nhật đem lại hậu quả gì.

11. The policy is subject to the war exclusion clause.

12. Charles's opposition to the Exclusion Bill angered some Protestants.

Việc Charles chống đối dự luật Loại trừ gây ra sự bất mãn từ một số người Tin Lành.

13. Note: Device exclusion rules don't apply to internal testers.

14. This applies particularly to exclusion clauses - see page 52 .

15. His exclusion from the club hurt him very much.

16. Some States do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.

17. As a noun Barring is the exclusion of someone; blackballing

18. The main reason for exclusion was a concomitant nodular goiter.

19. It's not poverty, not racism, not exclusion that are new.

Vấn đề ở đây không còn là nghèo, chủng tộc hay bị loại trừ.

20. A posteriori control of TIR Carnet holders. Exclusion and withdrawals

21. Unlike fermions, Bosons do not obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle

22. In absolute terms, the extent of exclusion may appear marginal.

23. The intercorporate dividend exclusion was designed to alleviate just this problem.

24. Over the years pentecostals have gotten accustomed to exclusion and excommunication.

25. • Other provinces have adequate exclusion zones to protect their "homing stocks".

26. They have all suffered grievously: shame, stigma and extreme social exclusion.

27. Look at the exclusion reasons detailed by the Index Coverage report.

Hãy xem chi tiết về các lý do loại trừ trong báo cáo Trạng thái lập chỉ mục.

28. Armed forces have set up an exclusion zone around the island.

29. Such exclusion from citizenship is again the mark of the underclass.

30. But exclusion of the mystical did not advance knowledge very far.

31. The exclusion of properties expropriated before 1949 from restitution was inevitable.

32. Look out for exclusion clauses and read notices and catalogues carefully .

33. Brutto-Stichprobe {f} initial sample [before nonresponse and exclusion of ineligibles]stat

34. Firstly, it augments population growth and often levels of unemployment and exclusion.

35. There was much discussion about the inclusion or exclusion of individual warships.

Đã có nhiều cuộc thảo luận về việc bao gồm hoặc loại trừ các tàu chiến cụ thể.

36. At each step variables were available for inclusion or exclusion as appropriate.

37. Japan has imposed a 12-mile exclusion zone around the Fukushima plant .

Nhật Bản đã ấn định khu vực cách ly 12 dặm chung quanh nhà máy Fukushima .

38. Outside the United States, some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.

39. Ninth Circuit Narrowly Construes IP Exclusion, Reaffirming Rules of Insurance Policy Construction

40. Cultural values and symbols must therefore be taken into account in combating exclusion.

41. The Chernobyl exclusion zone is 19 miles in every direction around the plant

42. With express exclusion of electric and electronic locks, alarms and access control systems

43. 15 The exclusion of associative adjectives from predicative position is an automatic result.

44. agricultural and forestry tractors, with the exclusion of machinery mounted on those vehicles,’.

45. What is the basis of legal principle of the existence of exclusion clause?

46. This scenario has sometimes been called a “Clawback” of the applicable exclusion amount

47. OR videoconferencing OR SU.EXACT("Bibliotherapy") OR Bibliotherapies OR SU.EXACT("Self-Help Techniques") OR community-based) Exclusion Criteria: Exclusion criteria are applied during the abstract review of all retrieved publications

48. Damage Prevention and Control Methods Exclusion Armadillos have the ability to climb and burrow

49. The EUS in achalasia is helpful for the exclusion of carcinoma of the cardia.

50. The exclusion clause was of no effect for this breach of an express term.