excavate in Vietnamese

@excavate /'ekskəveit/
* ngoại động từ
- đào
=to excavate a hole+ đào một cái hố
=to excavate a tunnel+ đào một đường hầm
=to excavate the soil+ đào đất
- khai quật
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-đào đất
-đào hố móng
-khai thác
-lấy đất
@Lĩnh vực: hóa học & vật liệu
-khai đào
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-đào đất
-đào hố móng
-khai thác
-lấy đất
@Lĩnh vực: hóa học & vật liệu
-khai đào

Sentence patterns related to "excavate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "excavate" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "excavate", or refer to the context using the word "excavate" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. They plan to excavate a large hole.

2. Then we can excavate wherever we want

Khi đấy chúng ta có thể khai quật bất cứ đâu ta muốn.

3. I let him excavate around the mine.

4. Great effort is required to excavate an archaeological site.

Khai quật một vị trí khảo cổ đòi hỏi nhiều công phu, nỗ lực.

5. As on land, ocean impact explosions excavate huge craters.

6. Work is under way to excavate the ancient city.

7. Archaeologists excavate sites carefully and record everything they see and find.

8. Weaving excavate and grub supersedure plan is means of dealing with connection of excavate and grub in mine production, and is chief and basal work.

9. This machine uses multiple scoops to excavate stale raw material continuously.

10. It had taken three months to excavate down to the bare rock.

11. Louis developed this inquiry into permission to excavate on the Omo River.

Louis phát triển hướng điều tra này và xin phép khai quật ở vùng sông Omo.

12. All Barbets nest in cavities that they excavate out of dead wood

13. Almost all Barbets can excavate nest holes in trees, as do woodpeckers

14. It took a long time to excavate the ancient city of Troy.

15. Then they burrow deep into the still soft sand and excavate a small chamber.

16. Therefore, I believe myself also has this kind of strength which still do not excavate.

17. 22 synonyms for Burrow: hole, shelter, tunnel, den, lair, retreat, dig, tunnel, excavate, delve, search

18. The researchers plan to excavate the second pliosaur when they return to Spitsbergen this summer.

19. Local people called on the government to excavate the site and to protect the remains.

20. There are plans to fully excavate and restore this Tiger II for a Vexin battle memorial.

Có các kế hoạch khai quật toàn bộ và khôi phục chiếc Tiger II cho đài tưởng niệm trận Vexin.

21. Life History During late spring or early summer black Bullheads excavate nests in mud bottoms and spawn.

22. In addition to digging out ant and termite mounds, the Aardvark utilizes its powerful claws to excavate the tunnels

23. Note: The Red-Cockaded is one of the few woodpeckers to excavate cavities in living, green wood

24. They excavate holes in dead or dying trees (usually conifer snags) for both roosting and nesting purposes.

25. The birds roost communally at night in shallow holes they excavate near each other in dead wood.

Những con chim cướp biển vào ban đêm ở các lỗ nông mà chúng đào gần nhau trong gỗ chết.

26. Archaeologists find and excavate historical sites, taking extensive measures to carefully collect and transport artifacts to a laboratory

27. They will not excavate a crater, and therefore raise far less dust than surface bursts with the same yield.

28. They worked hard, using picks and shovels, to excavate the rock from which they would get the precious metals.

Họ làm việc siêng năng, dùng cuốc và xẻng đào đá để lấy kim loại quý.

29. A contractor was hired to drain the reservoir and to excavate soil from one area for replacement with clay.

30. If archaeologists subsequently excavate that shifted material, they need to be able to recognize that it is in a secondary context.

31. Dedicated to non-man entry sewer repair and maintenance, the Sika-Robot cuts costs by eliminating the need to excavate pipes.

32. Amphitheatre debris is an excavation hotspot at the north-east section of the Everlight Dig Site that players can excavate with level 51 Archaeology.

33. Red-Cockaded woodpeckers scale loose bark from the bole of their cavity trees and excavate resin wells above and below cavity entrances

34. Inspect manage is perforative project whole process: Action, bid, coordinate schedule, budgetary final accounts, optimize a design, reduce excavate and concrete backfill, cancelled scouring sluice.

35. Archaeology is a gathering skill where players can excavate materials, soil, and artefacts using mattocks, then restore the artefacts at an archaeologist's workbench

36. A Cofferdam is a structure that retains water and allows a work area to be dewatered so that crews can pour concrete, excavate, repair, weld, etc.

37. Backfilling occurs after we hydro excavate, bringing in clean fill, sand, or crushed rock, and sometimes even flowable concrete should the job require it

38. Foucault endeavours to excavate the origins of the human sciences, which have their root in "life, labour, and language", that is: biology, economics, and linguistics.

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40. Rosy bee-eaters have similar nesting tastes, and they excavate their colonial nests in the sand just a few yards above the high-water mark.

Loài chim trảu hồng cũng thích làm tổ ở đây, và chúng đào tổ trong cát chỉ vài mét trên mực nước cao nhất.

41. Improving drainage at approach will help mitigate this (Figure 5.63).Another option is to excavate the fill and install a drainage system adjacent to the Abutment

42. 1 day ago · The Tyne Cyclist and Pedestrian Tunnels was an ambitious engineering project which involved miners operating in compressed air to excavate the tunnels

43. The Antlions excavate their pit-fall traps by moving backward in the loose soil in a spiral pattern and using their mandibles like tiny shovels to flip away soil

44. When we then find something very important, like the bones of a human ancestor, we begin to excavate it extremely carefully and slowly, using dental picks and fine paintbrushes.

Khi chúng tôi tìm thấy cái gì đó cực kì quan trọng, như xương của tổ tiên, chúng tôi bắt đầu khai quật nó cực kì cẩn thận và chậm rãi, sử dụng búa nha khoa và cọ đầu nhỏ.

45. Archaeologists use evidence left behind by earlier civilizations to gather information about human history and prehistory. They excavate, recover, and analyze artifacts that might include tools, cave paintings, building ruins, and pottery.

46. LCROSS uses the spent second stage of the Atlas rocket, the Centaur, as an SUV-sized kinetic impactor that will excavate a small crater on the floor of a permanently shadowed lunar crater.

47. The airlift pump principle is employed firstly to sink a sampling cylinder into the seabed and secondly to operate a suction pipe which is used to excavate sand and animals from within the cylinder.

48. The collaboration of George, Joan du Plat Taylor, Honor Frost, Peter Throckmorton; with skilled divers Frederic Dumas and Claude Duthuit resulted in the Gelidonya site excavation being the first to completely Archaeologically excavate an ancient shipwreck from the sea floor.

49. The tiger beetles excavate tubular tunnels in the ground , lay their eggs at the bottom , carefully refill the tunnel with mud and even take the extra trouble of smoothening the surface of the site , so as to leave no tell - tale marks for an enemy .