exacerbation in Vietnamese

@exacerbation /eks,æsə:'beiʃn/
* danh từ
- sự làm tăng, sự làm trầm trọng (bệnh, sự tức giận, sự đau đớn)
- sự làm bực tức, sự làm cáu tiết, sự làm tức giậ

Sentence patterns related to "exacerbation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "exacerbation" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "exacerbation", or refer to the context using the word "exacerbation" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The second is the exacerbation of sectarian divides.

2. • Acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis

3. Acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis

4. Nonetheless, none of these pathogens is associated with severity of asthma exacerbation.

5. Patients without wheezing or dyspnea are not experiencing an exacerbation of their asthma.

6. For several days, he has had an exacerbation of ulcer symptoms.

7. Sudden worsening of chronic bronchitis (acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis

8. His foolishness was followed by an exacerbation of their quarrel.

9. Eczema exacerbation, Jishi fish, shrimp, seafood and other foods prone to allergies.

10. Bleeding may be herralded by several day of exacerbation of pain.

11. Augmentation (See also EXACERBATION.) beef up To strengthen, reinforce; to augment, increase

12. With the exacerbation of the competition, the customer has become an important resource.

13. In clinic, it is a irreversible pathology of progressive exacerbation ; and is too lingering to recover.

14. The result would be higher prices along with an exacerbation of the global food crisis.

15. To evaluate the clinical effects of cefodizime on the patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

16. After delivery, no patient underwent the abnormal liver function or liver disease progression or exacerbation.

17. Patients with preexisting back problems are most likely to have an exacerbation of their Backache…

18. Acute Asthma Exacerbation (Off-label) Inhaler: 8 Actuations (136 mcg) q20min PRN for 3 hr

19. Of these, 209 had recently suffered an asthma exacerbation and 77 had stable disease ( controls ).

20. A consequence of the new trends, then, is exacerbation of the already disturbing backlog problem.

21. Explore the likelihood of exacerbation of known conditions or the onset of a new disease process.

22. Use of Adenosine in patients with asthma has resulted in mild to moderate exacerbation of their symptoms.

23. Objective To explore the curative effect of HA schemes on chronic granulocytic leukemia during the period of acute exacerbation.

24. Objective To observe the effect of short-term systemic application of methylprednisolone on patients with acute exacerbation of COPD.

25. While it may increase exacerbation frequency in the first few months it appears to decrease the subsequent rate.

26. Certain medications may be associated with provocation, perpetuation, or exacerbation of pre-existing acne or with acneiform eruptions.

27. Conclusion: Feisuqing apozem can improve the high viscosity status and correct respiratory failure of patients with acute exacerbation of COPD and respiratory failure.

28. Jolt Accentuation or exacerbation of a baseline headache with horizontal rotation of the neck is a physical finding believed to assess for meningeal irritation

29. An acute exacerbation (a sudden worsening of symptoms) is commonly triggered by infection or environmental pollutants, or sometimes by other factors such as improper use of medications.

30. A ten day course of an oral single dose of rufloxacin proved efficacious and was well tolerated in patients with an acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis.

31. ruptures (in particular of the Achilles tendon), exacerbation of the symptoms of myasthenia gravis (a particular type of muscle weakness), muscular pains, inflammation of tendon sheaths (tenosynovitis

32. Nitrogen dioxide is an irritant of the mucous membrane linked with another air pollutant that causes pulmonary diseases such as OLD, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and sometimes acute exacerbation of COPD and in fatal cases, deaths.

Nitrogen dioxide là chất gây kích thích màng nhầy liên kết với một chất gây ô nhiễm không khí khác gây ra các bệnh về phổi như OLD, hen suyễn, bệnh phổi tắc nghẽn mạn tính và đôi khi làm nặng thêm bệnh COPD và trong một số trường hợp gây tử vong.

33. Potentialmedical problems associated with highaltitude ascent(1) Acute hypoxia¶ AMS¶ HACE¶ HAPE¶ Cerebrovascular syndromes Peripheral edema Retinopathy¶ Thromboembolism Sleep disorders and periodic breathing¶ High-altitude pharyngitis and bronchitis Ultraviolet exposure and keratitis (snow blindness) Exacerbation of pre-existing illness ¶Covered in this statement.

34. Upon review of the available safety information, including reported cases of severe liver injury, Health Canada has determined that the benefit-risk profile for KETEK® no longer supports its use for the treatment of acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis (AECB), acute bacterial sinusitis (ABS) or tonsillitis/pharyngitis.