evolvement in Vietnamese

@evolvement /i'vɔlvmənt/
* danh từ
- sự mở ra ((nghĩa đen) & (nghĩa bóng))
- sự rút ra, sự suy ra, sự luận ra, sự lấy ra (lý thuyết, sự kiện...)
- (thường)(đùa cợt) sự tạo ra, sự hư cấu
- sự phát ra
- sự tiến triển; sự tiến hoá

Sentence patterns related to "evolvement"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "evolvement" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "evolvement", or refer to the context using the word "evolvement" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Reduction is a trend of language diachronic evolvement.

2. Synonyms for Advancings include unfoldings, progress, progression, growth, advancements, expansion, advances, spread, buildups and evolvement

3. This paper discusses briefly the origin, definition, dynamical evolvement equation and characteristic of synergetic order parameter.

4. As a huge country, the evolvement of media in America is worth to pay attention a fortiori.

5. It is iffy that distinguished the evolvement of a institution into cause pattern and force pattern.

6. It sums up the history evolvement of the unaccomplished crime theory, the conception and the establishing conditions of it.

7. In the developmental history of Chinese traditional painting, the process of evolvement from"painter painting"to"bookman painting"is an important one.

8. Along with the evolvement of enterprise institutions in different ages, the residual control rights contracts in enterprise experience three stages.

9. The endogenetic and gradual feature of institutional evolvement makes informal institution be an important issue in economic growth and social development.

10. This paper studies space pattern evolvement rules of natural secondary forest in maoershan district by applying the monopolized circle theory.

11. With the evolvement of internet and popularity of embedded computer system, the device which can communicate with other ones will be dominant.

12. By analyzing the factors that influence the evolvement of the Ming-style Round-backed Armchair, the article summarizes the characteristics of the round-backed armchair among different periods.

13. Based on that, a model of form and evolvement of reservoir was setup. It was used to forecast the avail area for reservoir upgrowth.

14. The syntactic evolvement of the verb "de" has gone through a lot of stages from a core verb to an inapprehensible element in the word.

15. The word is very important in the study of variant word, the developments of complex tone words, evolvement of the normal words, harvest the word-collecting in dictionary.

16. Type-1 hypervisors run directly on a host's hardware, as a hardware control and guest operating system, which is an evolvement of IBM's classic originally hypervisor- vp/cms.