evangelization in Vietnamese

@evangelization /i,vændʤilai'zeiʃn/
* danh từ
- sự truyền bá Phúc âm
- sự cảm hoá (ai) theo Công giáo

Sentence patterns related to "evangelization"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "evangelization" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "evangelization", or refer to the context using the word "evangelization" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. “Direct evangelization with new methods,” an Italian priest calls it.

Một linh mục Ý gọi việc này là: “Trực tiếp truyền bá Phúc Âm theo cách mới”.

2. This question echoes again in our heart as an appeal to understand the absolute priority of the task of evangelization.

3. Within this context it is clear that Accompaniment is a means to the end of evangelization, not “Accompaniment for Accompaniment’s sake.” Pope Francis explicitly states, “Genuine spiritual Accompaniment always begins and flourishes in the context of service to the mission of evangelization” (EG, 173)

4. The pope stated that “the Church’s mission of evangelization includes energetic and sustained action for justice, peace, and integral human development.

5. The Basilian Fathers Missions is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization serving underprivileged communities in Mexico and Colombia through education and evangelization

6. Capuchin Youth will encourage the youth and young adults to be the missionaries to carry on the missionary activities of the Church for the New Evangelization in our time.

7. The successful evangelization of the early Church during the first Apostolic age flowered into a culture, referred to as “Christendom,” that was itself built on Christian principles and ideals.

8. Basil, also known as the Basilian Fathers, is a Roman Catholic community of priests, students for the priesthood, and lay associates focused on Christian education and evangelization

9. 2 days ago · Through much of history, Lipan Apaches were enemies of Coahuiltecans, the Native Americans invited into Mission San Antonio de Valero for the purposes of evangelization

10. He transferred Cardinal Jose Fuerte Advincula of Capiz to succeed Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, who the Pope had Appointed Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples in the Vatican on December 8, 2019.

11. The Church today, likewise, is strengthened and her evangelization efforts are made effective when her faithful are anchored in a personal relationship with Christ and supported by parish and ecclesial communities which accompany them daily.

12. Williams, ever the Controversialist, even at his advanced age, penned "A Brief Reply" around 1680 as a point-by-point rebuttal to Eliot's case for infant baptism and its role in Eliot's evangelization of Native Americans

13. Ablaze USA reaches out to people in and out of CFC through multimedia and other forms of communication, thus supporting CFC’s work of global evangelization – building the church of the home, building the church of the poor

14. To Mary, model of all disciples and bright Star of Evangelization, I entrust the Church in Asia at the threshold of the Third Millennium of the Christian era, trusting absolutely that hers is an ear that always listens, hers a heart that always welcomes, and hers a prayer that never fails:

15. Welcome to the Institute of Catholic Culture’s Magdala Apostolate! The Magdala Apostolate is an outreach project of the Institute of Catholic Culture and is dedicated to providing sound doctrinal formation—both initial and ongoing—for women religious and novices, in accord with the Church’s call for a new evangelization.

16. This kingdom and this salvation, which are the key words of Jesus Christ's evangelization, are available to every human being as grace and mercy, and yet at the same time each individual must gain them by force - they belong to the violent, says the Lord,[24] through toil and suffering, through a life lived according to the Gospel, through abnegation and the cross, through the spirit of the beatitudes.

17. The faithful still need to be guided to contemplate adoringly the mystery of Christ, the God-Man, in order to become men and women of interior life, people who feel and live the call to new life, to holiness, to reparation which is apostolic cooperation in the salvation of the world, people who prepare themselves for the new evangelization, recognizing the Heart of Christ as the heart of the Church: it is urgent for the world to understand that Christianity is the religion of love.