european community in Vietnamese

@European Community
- (Econ) Cộng đồng Châu Âu.
+ Một tên gọi chung của 3 tổ chức: Cộng đồng Than và thép Châu Âu, Cộng đồng kinh tế châu Âu và cộng đồng năng lượng nguyên tử Châu Âu.
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-cộng đồng Châu Âu

Sentence patterns related to "european community"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "european community" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "european community", or refer to the context using the word "european community" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The European Community to all its members.

2. He succeeded in negotiating Britain into the European Community.

3. Spain was admitted to the European Community in 19

4. It was adopted by the European Community in 19

5. It is under the protection of the European Community.

Nó được bảo vệ bởi Cộng đồng Châu Âu.

6. The European Union was formerly called the European Community.

7. The European Community inaugurated the Single European Market in 19

8. Now farming is at a crossroads in the European Community.

9. Yearly estimated savings for the European Community are indicated above (9.2).

10. These regulations are inapplicable to visitors from outside the European Community.

11. Countries within the European Community grant certain commercial privileges to each other.

12. 6 These regulations are inapplicable to visitors from outside the European Community.

13. Hence, the treaty was renamed the Treaty establishing the European Community (TEC).

Vì thế Hiệp ước Roma nói trên được đổi thành Hiệp ước thành lập Cộng đồng châu Âu (TEC).

14. In February 1993, the European Community sent 4.5 million ECUs to Armenia.

Tháng hai năm 1993, Cộng đồng châu Âu cũng gửi 4.5 triệu Ecu cho Armenia.

15. It has 173 Member States and one Member Organization (the European Community).

16. European Community has set and publicated the standard determination method of Sudan red.

17. The presidency the european community pass from country to country every six months.

18. The European Community helped France and Germany forget the old animosities between them.

19. As for the implementation of safeguard measure, European Community has been very discreet.

20. In such cases, the above provisions concerning the European Community part apply by analogy.

21. The particularity results first from the specialty of the legal system of European Community.

22. Draft agreement between the European Community and Moldova on certain aspects of air services.

23. In such cases, the above provisions concerning the European Community part apply by analogy

24. Draft agreement between the European Community and Ukraine on certain aspects of air services.


26. The consignment has been accepted and released for free circulation in the European Community

27. The administrative budget of the 15 - country European Community amounts to some $ 5 billion.

28. This agreement had the object and effect of restricting price competition within the European Community.

29. The main subjects in sewage sludge ordinance of the European Community and Germany are compared.

30. Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION concerning the conclusion on behalf of the European Community of an agreement between the United States of America and the European Community on the Co-ordination of Energy-Efficient Labelling Programmes

31. promote understanding of the nature and aims of the European Community and of the Andean Pact,

32. Draft agreement between the European Community and Romania on certain aspects of air services (→ point 1.22.17).

33. Reports and certificates prepared by European Community competent bodies will be accepted by Australian regulatory authorities

34. Draft agreement between the European Community and Serbia and Montenegro on certain aspects of air services.

35. In 1995 the European Community accounted for 10,5 % of all aid disbursed by the OECD countries.

36. Known as the Schuman Declaration, it marks the beginning of the creation of the European Community.

Tuyên bố Schuman đánh dấu sự khởi đầu của quá trình thành lập Cộng đồng châu Âu.

37. Draft agreement between the European Community and Pakistan on certain aspects of air services (→ point 1.24.10).

38. As the economic strength of the European Community grew, its competition with the United States intensified.

39. Draft agreement between the European Community and Moldova on certain aspects of air services (→ point 1.22.15).

40. Whereas it is essential to have harmonized aggregations available for economic analyses at the European Community level,

41. Membership of the European Community gives us the chance to consolidate this growth and to accelerate development.

42. Amendment 16 cannot be accepted because European Community action cannot in any way interfere with these principles.

43. For the application of those acts the European Community relies on its member States and their authorities

44. Draft agreement between the European Community and the State of Israel on certain aspects of air services.

45. The aim, said the minister, was to integrate Britain both politically and economically into the European Community.

46. Draft agreement between the European Community and the government of Malaysia on certain aspects of air services.

47. Fossey is responsible for the revision of a European Community project that converted parkland into pyrethrum farms.

Fossey có trách nhiệm trong việc làm xét lại dự án của Cộng đồng châu Âu với mục đích chuyển đổi đất công viên thành các trang trại hoa cúc.

48. The government is to receive £000 in emergency European Community aid, to help victims of the flooding.

49. set up by the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on trade in agricultural products

50. Up to now attempts to carve out a unified program within the European Community have led to disappointment.