epileptiform in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "epileptiform"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "epileptiform" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "epileptiform", or refer to the context using the word "epileptiform" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. VNS effects on epileptiform ECoG of rabbits with epilepsy induced by strychnine.

2. The frequency of epileptiform activity decreased with follow-up recordings, whereas focal slowing remained unchanged.

3. Conclusions: The frequency of clinical seizures and the epileptiform discharges during wakefulness and sleep were basically identical.

4. A single waking interictal electroencephalogram will show epileptiform activity in about 50% of patients with epilepsy.

5. After 5 min epileptiform activity appeared in the EEG at an endtidal concentration of 5.9% by volume.

6. 25 The results showed that antagonist of muscarine receptor—scopolamine could retard, but not completely block epileptiform discharges induced by penicillin.

7. CONCLUSION SEE-CO2PP inhibits the epileptiform discharge and convulsive behaviors of convulsive model rats, which suggests SEE-CO2PP has anticonvulsive action.

8. The EEG in 94 patients with phenylketonuria was analyzed. The abnormality rate of EEG was 65%, mainly showing epileptiform discharges(80%), partly showing background activity abnormality(20%).

9. It is known that Atabrine, particularly in large doses, can be toxic to the human central nervous system as it produces psychoses; and animal experimentation and the reports of the intramuscular use of Atabrine musonate have shown that toxicity can take the form of epileptiform seizures.

10. Chronic undercutting of cerebral cortex in the cat for survival periods of 9 to 308 days was found to cause an increase in duration of epileptiform electrical, afterdischarge and a significant decrease in content of glutamic acid, GABA, and aspartic acid as compared with homologous cortex of opposite hemisphere.