energy density spectrum in Vietnamese

@energy density spectrum
- (Tech) phổ mật độ năng lượng

Sentence patterns related to "energy density spectrum"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "energy density spectrum" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "energy density spectrum", or refer to the context using the word "energy density spectrum" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. • Energy density, relative density, or density meters

2. The main problem is energy density.

3. High energy density redox flow device

4. The energy density of a power pack is smaller than the energy density of individual cells packed all together.

5. Ah, negative energy density with positive surface pressure.

Vô hiệu hóa mật độ năng lượng với áp lực bề mặt.

6. Importantly, pelletizing or briquetting primarily increases energy density.

7. The electron energy determines the shape of the Bremsstrahlungs spectrum, in particular the endpoint of the spectrum

8. 3) The overall spectrum of acoustic energy in the voice.

9. An energy density equal to or more than 50 J/kg;

10. Accelerometric signal histograms: (a) IVIDIL1, (b) NASA1 and (c) IVIDIL2. The power spectral density, equivalently the energy distribution for the different frequencies of the spectrum, has firstly been estimated using the periodogram.

11. The energy of propagation is derived from released energy of their formation, decreases in density, and partial fluidization.

12. Low-energy phonon spectrum glass composition, method for the production and use thereof

13. Electrode active material having improved energy density and lithium secondary battery including same

14. For both the sharp and blunt notch solutions, the deviatoric strain energy density function predicts a larger absolute value of the critical angle θc than does the total strain energy density function.

15. Energy absorption spans the full solar spectrum including infrared, visible and near ultraviolet wavelengths.

16. However, this battery chemistry has lower energy density than other battery Chemistries available today

17. The calculation is shown to be sensitive to changes in characteristic energy of the spectrum.

18. Which means a spherical multidimensional superfluid shows the same negative energy density as space-time.

Có nghĩa là một hình cầu siêu lỏng đa chiều cho thấy cùng một mật độ năng lượng tiêu cực như không-thời gian.

19. BioButanol or biobased Butanol fuel is a second generation biofuel with higher energy density vs

20. Article: Conceptualising urban density, energy demand and social practice In urban studies and in energy policy there is much debate about the relationship between energy demand and the density of residential areas, measured in units such as those of population/ha or population/km 2

21. The solutions of rate equations give the electron temperature, electron density from which the mercury visible spectrum line luminance is obtained.

22. Event C contains Aliased energy above 42 Hz (indicated by D on the f – k spectrum)

23. Because batteries life cycle improve -- a bit of improvement on energy density, which reduces the price.

24. And today, the energy density is lower than it’s ever been, and continues to decrease, Asymptoting …

25. The universe may have positive, negative, or zero spatial curvature depending on its total energy density.

Hình học của vũ trụ có thể có độ cong không gian dương, âm, hay bằng 0 phụ thuộc vào tổng mật độ năng lượng của nó.