drinking water supply in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-nguồn cung cấp nước uống

Sentence patterns related to "drinking water supply"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "drinking water supply" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "drinking water supply", or refer to the context using the word "drinking water supply" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Is there a description of the drinking water supply?

2. Switzerland presented a case study on a small-scale drinking-water supply.

3. The likely source of that contaminant in the local drinking water supply.

4. For Motijhil boasts paved roads, electricity, a proper drinking water supply and sewage.

5. Afterwards, the city discovered the hazardous substances in the groundwater that threatened the nearby public drinking water supply.

6. He also laid the Foundation Stone for three Lift Irrigation Schemes, and inaugurated the Drinking Water Supply Scheme for Vyara Town and Jesinhpur-Dolvan Groups of Tapi district.

7. A. aegypti breeds preferentially in water, for example in installations by inhabitants of areas with precarious drinking water supply, or in domestic waste, especially tires, cans, and plastic bottles.

A. aegypti sinh sôi nảy nở trong nước, ví dụ như ở các khu vực dân cư ở những khu vực có nguồn cung cấp nước uống không an toàn, hoặc rác thải sinh hoạt, đặc biệt là lốp xe, lon và chai nhựa.

8. With crop and pasture losses, drinking water supply shortages, wildfires and dust storms, experts predict that the adverse economic impact of the drought of 2002 will be in the billions of dollars.”

Trước việc mất mùa và đồng cỏ bị hủy hoại, thiếu nguồn nước uống, những vụ cháy lớn và bão cát, các chuyên gia dự đoán trận hạn hán năm 2002 sẽ khiến nền kinh tế bị tổn thất đến hàng tỉ Mỹ kim”.

9. Cyanobacteria (also called blue-green algae) may produce toxins and taste-and-odor compounds that cause substantial economic and public health concerns, and are of particular interest in lakes, reservoirs, and rivers that are used for drinking-water supply

10. Surface Water Classifications are designations applied to surface water bodies, such as streams, rivers and lakes, which define the best uses to be protected within these waters (for example swimming, fishing, drinking water supply) and carry with them an associated …

11. Chemical and microbial food and feed contamination, risks and exposures as well as allergens will be analysed, assessed, monitored, controlled and traced throughout the food , feed and drinking water supply chains from production and storage to processing, packaging, distribution, catering, and preparation at home.