dredging in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-sự nạo vét
@Lĩnh vực: hóa học & vật liệu
-nạo vét (bùn)

Sentence patterns related to "dredging"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dredging" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dredging", or refer to the context using the word "dredging" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The Carnallite is harvested by dredging

2. That dredging is now behind schedule.

3. Aerial View of Little Port Harmon dredging site.

4. Siltation (e.g. run-off, dredging, outfalls) Abrasion (e.g. boating, anchoring, ) Selective extraction (e.g. aggregate dredging, entanglement)

5. “maintenance dredging” means dredging routinely done in order to keep the access waterways or port area accessible;

6. TEX: They stopped dredging that a while back.

Đúng, cách đây không lâu họ ngưng nạo vét rồi.

7. 5 They're dredging the harbor to keep it navigable.

8. Even in flooded areas, peat extraction continued through turf dredging.

Ngay cả tại các vùng ngập nước, việc khai thác than bùn vẫn tiếp tục thông qua nạo vét.

9. This technique also applies to dredging of bay muds containing toxins.

Kỹ thuật này cũng được áp dụng để nạo vét những vịnh bùn có chứa độc tố.

10. April 2005: Sand dredging 55 percent complete, 88 islands had been completed.

Tháng 4 năm 2005: Cát nạo vét hoàn thành 55%, 88 hòn đảo đã được hoàn thành.

11. To keep the water running unobstructed, the workers are dredging the river.

12. Inform owners of water intakes prior to the commencement of dredging activities.

13. Although I've got to say... doesn't help much, dredging up the past like this.

Dù tôi phải nói là... đào bới quá khứ lên thế này chả giúp được gì nhiều.

14. • Noise (Acoustic disturbance = boats, seismic activity, low - mid frequency sonar, drilling, dredging, etc.)

15. Dredging of the basin and channel will remove accumulated sediment and improve its efficiency.

16. It has the function of dredging the obstruction, expelling pathogenic cold, pain and tranquilizing the mind.

17. Future work is planned to include extensive harbour dredging and improved parking facilities.

18. Here the sand from the dredging ships was sprayed on to the land.

Ở đây cát từ những con tàu nạo vét được rải xuống đất.

19. Treatment methods are dredging liver, warming liver, nourishing liver, clearing liver, tranquilizing liver.

20. Total investment costs, including dredging works, have been taken into account in the calculation.

21. This Barge was designed and built for the use in a dredging application where a water pump

22. 18 Most navigable waterways require dredging because of siltation. This is true when navigation penetratethe littoral zone.

23. Analysts predicted that more commercial production, such as the dredging of alluvial deposits, would maximize gold output.

24. Bahrain has been expanding its land area by dredging the seabed and depositing material around its coast.

Bahrain đã được mở rộng các khu vực xung quanh bởi nạo vét đáy biển và san lấp xung quanh bờ biển của nó.

25. Other dangers to coral are chemical pollution, oil spills, sewage, logging, farm runoff, dredging, sedimentation, and freshwater intrusion.

26. The committee is composed of eight members representing oil, sewage, dredging, business and other dischargers.

27. Environmentalists argue that large - scale sand - dredging can deplete fish stocks and cause erosion, risking landslides and flooding.

28. But as its speed grew faster, it began dredging up material from deep in Jupiter's atmosphere.

nhưng khi tốc độ của nó tăng nhanh hơn, nó bắt đầu nạo vét vật chất từ sâu trong bầu khí quyển của sao Mộc.

29. Most navigable waterways require dredging because of siltation. This is true when navigation penetratethe littoral zone.

30. The scheme involves dredging the main channel of the Medway estuary to provide a storage base for import-export cargoes.

31. Certain industrial activities such as construction, drilling, pile driving, pipe laying and dredging may also disrupt killer whales.

32. Industrial activities such as construction, drilling, pile driving, pipe-laying and dredging are the most likely sources of critical habitat destruction.

33. After the initial excavation to the depth planned in the development, regular dredging for maintenance purposes will be necessary.

34. Schumacher Irrigation's ball and socket couplings are fast and effective tools for applications ranging from sludge handling to dredging to pumping stations

35. ◦ in-lake reduction of eutrophication by selection of chemical or physical treatments (lime, iron, nitrate, aeration, bottom withdrawal, dredging, etc.)

36. However, mudflats worldwide are under threat from predicted sea level rises, land claims for development, dredging due to shipping purposes, and chemical pollution.

Tuy nhiên, bãi bùn trên thế giới đang bị đe doạ bởi sự dâng lên của mực nước biển, hoạt động bồi đất lấn biển nhằm phát triển kinh tế, hoạt động nạo vét cho mục đích vận tải biển và ô nhiễm hoá chất.

37. Disclosed is a pressure dredging device without a rod, mainly comprising a draft tube, a connecting tube, a handle, a compressing ring and a regulating pawl.

38. The M/S Grete Fighter, operated by Partrederiet Sea Fighter (‘Sea Fighter’), is a purpose-built vessel for dredging and other excavation tasks.

39. If the ingredient you are going to fry has high water content, dredging the ingredient in a thin layer of flour before dipping into Batter …

40. On 25 February 2012 the TEAMS cable was accidentally cut by a dredging ship carrying some works for the Kenya Ports Authority at Mombasa Offshore.

41. We are addressing an entire range of developmental issues of direct interest to Bangladesh including railway infrastructure, transportation, dredging, power grid interconnectivity, human resource development and investment and trade.

42. This led, in 1955, to a plan to develop the creek, which involved dredging shallow areas, building of breakwaters, and developing its beach to become a quay suitable for loading and unloading of cargo.

Điều này dẫn đến, vào năm 1955, với một kế hoạch phát triển con lạch, liên quan đến việc nạo vét các khu vực nông, xây dựng đê chắn sóng và phát triển bãi biển của nó để trở thành một bến cảng phù hợp để bốc xếp hàng hóa.

43. The Karun River, a tributary which joins the waterway from the Iranian side, deposits large amounts of silt into the river; this necessitates continuous dredging to keep it navigable.

Sông Karun, một chi lưu của sông bên phía Iran, mang theo một lượng phù sa lớn vào sông; điều này khiến cho người ta phải tiến hành nạo vét liên tục để đảm bảo khả năng thông hành trên sông.

44. It is not progressing as it should have because some local insurgent groups or some locals in the name of human rights activists are opposing dredging the river or building up this new road.

45. We rent and sell Portable Sectional Barges that are used in bridge construction, general marine construction, dredging, and other projects where it’s necessary to float heavy construction equipment, materials or …

46. Any of various devices that consist of two parts attached by a hinge and that open and close like a Clamshell, especially a digging or dredging machine with a bucket that has hinged jaws or a handheld electronic device.

47. The same is true for the hypothesis that there will be a shift in the spatial variability of the condition of scallops such that the ratio of RNA:DNA in their adductor muscles will be lower adjacent to dredging and dumping sites than in sites distant from them (Figure 7).

48. sediment regime (erosion zones, transport, zones of accumulation)), particularly in dredging and backfilling areas, and potential sedimentdisposal areas in open water littoral and riparian areas, wetlands, and current or future flood plains unconsolidated deposits, lithology, slopes, excavation areas, areas susceptible to erosion and ground movements in cases of suspected chemical contamination:

49. Coalitionist angiomyolipoma pantano Pingnan (place in Guangxi) dredging jauhaa shooting script urlop as welded To repawn dodatni strategie two point perspective interrogate jehad sosiaalis-taloudellinen, sosioekonominen ohne dass spade moonflower (Ipomoea alba) routine kopirajto of a standpoint, of a viewpoint; of a position, of a pose; of a