drastically in Vietnamese

* phó từ
- mạnh mẽ, quyết liệt
- trầm trọng

Sentence patterns related to "drastically"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "drastically" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "drastically", or refer to the context using the word "drastically" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. My spirituality dropped drastically.”

Thiêng liêng của tôi xuống dốc cách trầm trọng”.

2. My fever has subsided drastically

Con sốt của ta đã hạ bớt

3. Output has been drastically reduced.

4. Their income has been drastically reduced.

5. Their jobs have been drastically upskilled.

6. Μy fever has subsided drastically.

Con sốt của ta đã hạ bớt

7. Our budget has been drastically reduced.

8. The cost of life increased drastically.

Giá sinh hoạt đã nhất loạt tăng.

9. “America’s surplus policy has changed drastically.

10. The size of the army was drastically cut.

11. Social work services have been cut back drastically.

12. Budget cuts have drastically curtailed training programs.

13. Things have started to go drastically wrong.

14. Security had changed drastically over the years.

15. OPEC forced oil companies to increase payments drastically.

OPEC hối thúc các công ty dầu mỏ phải đẩy giá dầu lên thật cao.

16. Consequently, both will change drastically in workplace 2000.

17. The cost of living has increased drastically.

Giá sinh hoạt đã nhất loạt tăng.

18. As a result, services have been drastically reduced.

19. However today there are some drastically toned eye liner.

Tuy nhiên hiện nay có một số bút kẻ mắt có tông màu chói.

20. This shirt was greatly / drastically reduced in the sale.

21. We have managed to cut our costs quite drastically.

22. 6 Emissions have drastically been cut as a consequence.

23. Its current range is drastically reduced from its historic range.

Phạm vi hiện tại của nó là giảm đáng kể từ nhiều di tích lịch sử của nó.

24. The age composition of our population is drastically changing.

25. Emissions have drastically been cut as a consequence.

26. This need not mean drastically reducing food intake.

27. The growth of monopoly drastically alters this situation.

28. Additionally, the traditional organizational structure is drastically altered.

29. Even modern-day authorities often get things drastically wrong.

Ngay cả những chuyên gia thời nay cũng thường phạm sai lầm nghiêm trọng.

30. The population diminished most drastically in Tajikistan because of military conflicts.

Dân số giảm mạnh nhất trong Tajikistan vì xung đột quân sự.

31. After 2008, however, the share of imported electricity went down drastically.

Tuy nhiên, năm 2008, thu nhập bình quân đầu người đã giảm sút.

32. Within a year the party had drastically overhauled its structure.

33. Daily life for many would be drastically different without oil.

34. 12 Additionally,(www.Sentencedict.com) the traditional organizational structure is drastically altered.

35. Charlotte Arbaleste’s life changed drastically when a young man came to town

36. All these changes have brought the price of international telephone calls down drastically.

Tất cả các thay đổi này đã làm giảm giá gọi điện thoại quốc tế rất nhiều.

37. Their abortifacient activity is drastically reduced because of high partial progestagenic activity.

38. The travel agency industry has changed drastically since Thomas Cook's own day.

39. The Cannabinoid is also a powerful antiemetic capable of drastically reducing nausea and vomiting

40. Thus the volcanic rocks formed are drastically different from their oceanic counterparts.

41. Taxes were drastically cut in an attempt to kick-start the economy.

42. They were accurate in their prediction that he would change her life drastically.

43. The second design drastically improved the protection and converted the ships into fast battleships.

Thiết kế thứ hai cải thiện mạnh mẽ sự bảo vệ, biến con tàu trở thành một thiết giáp hạm nhanh.

44. However, adding an additional Boysenberry Bush - Thornless will drastically increase the size of your crop.

45. 28 All this changes drastically in industrial societies, where the economy is perpetually expanding.

46. The oil spills during the Gulf War also drastically affected Kuwait's marine resources.

Tràn dầu trong chiến tranh Vùng Vịnh cũng tác động trầm trọng đến tài nguyên hải dương của Kuwait.

47. I first realised something was drastically wrong during late February-early March 19

48. The strike , couple with the flood, was expected to reduce supplies of food drastically.

49. In his Bresaola recipe, Luke Holder reduces the preparation time drastically, without compromising on flavour

50. The benefits for the North would drastically change the regime’s strategic calculus, particularly concerning nuclear weapons.