drainage of soil samples in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: cơ khí & công trình
-sự tiết nước khỏi mẫu đất

Sentence patterns related to "drainage of soil samples"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "drainage of soil samples" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "drainage of soil samples", or refer to the context using the word "drainage of soil samples" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.


2. (2) The burrows of soil organisms allow better drainage and aeration.

3. Tannic acid decomposition in soil samples and soil respiration have been investigated.

4. Ridging soil around the base of plants when cultivating and having good drainage and soil aeration is important.

5. Fifteen hundred plant tissue samples should be analysed in addition to the proposed analysis of # soil samples

6. His burrowing and turning over of soil aerates it and provides drainage for it.

7. Readings showed levels of 000 becquerels per kilogram in vegetation and soil samples.

8. All soil samples were air-dried and sieved to 2 mm.

9. A further set of readings come from chemically analysing soil samples collected from streams.

10. Check out the large selection of soil Auger kits at Grainger that can help get the samples you need for accurate soil testing

11. Soil samples were collected from spruce, hemlock and pine forests in central Taiwan.

12. Fumigation experiments were made with soil samples dried on the air and with others almost saturated with water. Trapex works independent of soil moisture.

13. The new robot might even ship samples of Marsian soil back to human scientists on earth.

Người máy mới này thậm chí có thể chuyển những mẫu đất Sao Hoả về cho các nhà khoa học trên trái đất

14. These measurements should be carried out in additional samples without mites, both from the control soil and from each test concentration soil.

15. Too much irrigation along with poor drainage causes salts in the soil to accumulate at the surface.

16. Geotextiles for the purposes of drainage, stabilizing inclines, recultivation, plant support, absorption, filtration, separation, stabilization and reinforcement of the soil

17. The systems are both well suited to the abstraction of depth-discrete groundwater and soil gas samples.

18. Atomic Absorption (AA) is used to analyze for metals in water and soil samples.

19. Specific handicaps refer to natural conditions unfavourable for agricultural production, e.g. poor soil, poor drainage or excessive salinity.

20. The first essential of healthy soil life is air, and this means good subsoil drainage and adequate inter-crumb pores.

21. The soil samples are mixed with a sufficient amount of glucose to elicit an immediate maximum respiratory response

22. Like the Luna 16 soil, samples of the Luna 20 collection were shared with American and French scientists.

Giống như đất Luna 16, các mẫu của Luna 20 được chia sẻ với các nhà khoa học Mỹ và Pháp.

23. These Amebas are found in soil, water and air samples from all over the world

24. Key words: waste rock, acid rock drainage (ARD), capillary barrier, geosynthetic clay liner, amended soil systems, percolation, MINTEQ.

25. This may be due to arid conditions, or poor internal soil drainage; in these situations most of the water that enters the soil is transpired (taken up by plants) or evaporates, rather than flowing through the soil.

Điều này có thể là do điều kiện khô cằn hoặc thoát nước bên trong kém; trong những tình huống này, phần lớn nước xâm nhập vào đất bị thoát ra (được thực vật hấp thụ) hoặc bốc hơi thay vì chảy qua đất.