downriver in Vietnamese

* phó từ, adj
- về phía cửa sông
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-hạ lưu

Sentence patterns related to "downriver"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "downriver" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "downriver", or refer to the context using the word "downriver" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Yankee cutter, downriver.

Tàu Hoa Kì, về hướng cửa sông

2. " On a branch floating downriver, a cricket singing. "

" Trên một cành khô lạc cuối dòng, một chú dế đang ca hát. "

3. It is 80 kilometres (50 mi) downriver from the Maya site Altar de Sacrificios.

Đó là 80 kilômét (50 mi) về phía hạ lưu từ địa điểm Maya Altar de Sacrificios.

4. She walked a ways downriver and then stood gazing at the glimmering water.

5. Gale made it to shore, but Ghinsberg floated downriver and over the waterfall.

Gale đã đến bờ nhưng Ghinsberg đã trôi xuống hạ lưu và vượt thác.

6. Further downriver, it is joined by the Tongue near Miles City, and then by the Powder in eastern Montana.

Xa hơn nữa về hạ du, sông nhận nước từ Tongue gần Miles City, và sau đó nhận nước từ Powder ở miền đông Montana.

7. Fed by fresh snow each winter and slow melting in the summer, the glaciers bring millions of litres of fresh water to Bhutan and downriver areas each year.

Được cung cấp bởi tuyết tươi mỗi mùa đông và tan chảy chậm trong mùa hè, các sông băng mang hàng triệu lít nước ngọt đến các khu vực Bhutan và hạ lưu mỗi năm.

8. But then the monsoon arrives, and unfortunately downriver there is always a dam or there is always a barrage, and, shoop, they get washed down to their doom.

Nhưng ngay khi mùa mưa đến, không may là dưới hạ lưu sông luôn có một đập nước và thế là mấy con non bị cuốn vào chỗ chết.

9. The cooperation between the United States and the four Mekong downriver countries -- Cambodia , Laos , Thailand and Vietnam -- shows that the Americans attach importance to the region , said Yue Yang , a Vietnamese researcher .

Hợp tác giữa Hoa Kỳ và bốn quốc gia thuộc vùng hạ lưu sông Mê-kông - Cam-pu-chia , Lào , Thái Lan và Việt Nam - cho thấy rằng người Mỹ coi trọng vùng này , theo cách nói của Yue Yang , một nhà nghiên cứu Việt Nam .

10. If he had a good horse instead of the Crowbaits we were riding, he could have set out downriver from Aringill maybe a full day ahead of us, and I don't know how much of that we caught up with that idiot Derne.” “It was a …

11. In general it takes 12 to 24 hours, after it rains, for contaminants from downtown Ottawa and Gatineau to flow downstream past the Cumberland Masson area and for the background level of bacteria to return to normal levels. The time of travel downriver is longer for plumes trapped alongshore.

12. 22 hours ago · Battle Of The Burbs! Represent your city with Big Jim’s House Battle Of The Burbs! One Person from the East Side, Downriver and the West Side will battle each other with local knowledge and whoever gets the most questions right will win for that city! Winners get local bragging rights…PLUS this week Big Jim’s House will […]

13. When I Awoke, it was already dark, but I fancied stretching my legs so I started walking and didn't stop until I reached here.: Iroka Awoke with a start as the front door banged open and a figure stumbled in.: Half the barges were away, already sweeping downriver with thin, white mustaches under their bluff bows, when a commotion Awoke ashore.: Seven months ago, Joe Awoke from a sound sleep