dorsal position in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "dorsal position"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dorsal position" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dorsal position", or refer to the context using the word "dorsal position" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.


2. Key words: primary afferent fibres, sciatic nerve-dorsal root preparation, dorsal root compound action potential, capsaicin, ontogeny.

3. Held under the dorsal guiding feathers?

Treo thẳng ở dưới lông đuôi sao?

4. Dorsal thoracic Arachnoid web refers to a thickened band of Arachnoid over the dorsal aspect of the cord

5. The dorsal arm plates are triangular to fan shaped; the first 2-3 dorsal arm plates may be contiguous.

6. Oh, That's a nice dorsal vein.

7. In the circular fovea of Theristm, the corpus gelatum together with the filaments has a spiral-like position because of the dorsal direction of the amphidial canal.

8. Those dorsal spines are laden with venom.

Những con cá gai lưng và nặng trĩu độc chất.

9. The dorsal arm plates are triangular and separated.

10. The dorsal Blastopore produces dorsal mesoderm and is converted into the chordate neural hinge, which causes the formation of the tail tip

11. A dark brownish to purplish-black Basketwork eel with the dorsal fin originating well behind the anus which is position forward on the body, and prominent falcate or curved pectoral fins

12. Blennies are small, elongated fish with continuous dorsal fins

13. Archerfish or spinnerfish bodies are deep and laterally compressed, with the dorsal fin, and the profile a straight line from dorsal fin to mouth

14. The dorsal arm plates are fan shaped and separated.

15. The dorsal arm plates are triangular and nearly contiguous.

16. Gimsa and colleagues (2015) suggest that the dorsal sail of Spinosaurus was analogous to the dorsal fins of sailfish and served a hydrodynamic purpose.

Gimsa và các đồng nghiệp (2015) cho rằng cánh buồm của Spinosaurus tương tự như vây lưng của cá cờ và phục vụ mục đích thủy động lực học.

17. The dorsal arm plates are roundly hexagonal and contiguous proximally.

18. The dorsal carpal branch (ramus carpeus dorsalis; posterior radial carpal artery) is a small vessel which arises beneath the Extensor tendons of the thumb; crossing the carpus transversely toward the medial border of the hand, it Anastomoses with the dorsal carpal branch of the ulnar and with the volar and dorsal interosseous arteries to form a dorsal carpal network.

19. Architectonicid specimen in lateral (H), dorsal (I), and ventral (J) views

20. The dorsal fins are located very far back on the body.

21. The dorsal arm plates are wider than long, rectangular and contiguous.

22. The dorsal arm plates are bell shaped, the proximal ones contiguous.

23. Figure 5: Movement at the lip of the Blastopore (dorsal view)

24. A year later she had a normal dorsal spine x ray.

25. H. wyckii bears a resemblance to H. wyckioides, however H. wyckioides lacks serrations on the dorsal fin spine, has a shorter dorsal fin base, and shorter maxillary barbels.

H. wyckii trông giống như H. wyckioides, tuy nhiên H. wyckioides thiếu khía răng cưa trên gai vây lưng, gốc vây lưng ngắn hơn và râu hàm trên ngắn hơn.