domestic policy in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-chính sách quốc nội

Sentence patterns related to "domestic policy"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "domestic policy" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "domestic policy", or refer to the context using the word "domestic policy" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Religion played an important part in Nectanebo's domestic policy.

Tôn giáo đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong chính sách đối nội của Nectanebo.

2. Domestic policy was soon overshadowed by political unrest abroad.

3. Start studying Bismarck Economic Policies (Bismarckian Germany 1871-1890) (Domestic Policy)

4. Andropov's domestic policy leaned heavily towards restoring discipline and order to Soviet society.

Chính sách trong nước của Andropov quay mạnh về hướng thiết lập kỷ luật và trật tự trong xã hội Xô viết.

5. The most basic domestic policy consists of accumulating international reserves, a form of self-insurance.

6. Yet in domestic policy she is hamstrung by an unwieldy coalition and Germany's federal structure.

7. Chirac mostly handled domestic policy while Mitterrand concentrated on his "reserved domain" of foreign affairs and defence.

Chirac xử lý hầu hết các chính sách trong nước trong khi Mitterrand tập trung vào "lĩnh vực dành riêng" của ông: quan hệ nước ngoài và quốc phòng.

8. As the NEC's deputy for domestic policy issues, Sperling has functioned as both policy wonk and political guru.

9. According to historian and domestic policy adviser Bruce Bartlett, Reagan's tax increases over the course of his presidency took back half of the 1981 tax cut.

Theo sử gia kiêm cố vấn chính sách đối nội Bruce Bartlett, các lần tăng thuế của Reagan trong suốt thời gian làm tổng thống đã lấy lại phân nửa giá trị của lần giảm thuế năm 1981.

10. JerichoMaggi Brocher, Kowtow! After Tianamen Square: A Plea On Behalf Of Hong Kong (Chatto Counterblasts)William Shawcross, Modern Germany Her Political And Economic Problems, Her Foreign And Domestic Policy, Her Ambitions, And The Causes Of Her SuccessBarker J

11. Besides misusing carrots and sticks, Autocrats can discredit themselves through domestic policy failures—destabilizing the economy, hiking food prices, tolerating extreme corruption, and so on (for such policies to be a mistake, a superior alternative must have been feasible)

12. Chapter 3: Bismarckian Foreign Policy (1871-1890) (A) Bismarck’s Pax Europa A New Balance of Power We have seen that, in terms of domestic policy, Bismarck spent much of his time seeking out enemies of the Reich and neutralising their impact either by coercion, paternalism or brute force