domestic consumption in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-sự tiêu dùng trong nước

Sentence patterns related to "domestic consumption"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "domestic consumption" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "domestic consumption", or refer to the context using the word "domestic consumption" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. China's austerity program has cut domestic consumption .

2. German domestic consumption buoyed the German economy.

3. Investment is one component of aggregate demand, along with domestic consumption and net exports.

4. The statistics say the country 's economy declined 0.3 percent as domestic consumption slowed down .

Các số liệu thống kê cho thấy nền kinh tế của quốc gia này giảm 0,3% khi tiêu dùng nội địa chậm lại .

5. With the post-crisis resetting of domestic consumption and savings, US aggregate demand will remain depressed.

6. South Africa 's fast-growing middle class makes domestic consumption an attractive theme , says Mr. Brown .

Tầng lớp trung lưu gia tăng nhanh chóng của Nam Phi làm cho tiêu dùng nội địa trở thành một chủ đề hấp dẫn .

7. At the moment their aggregate output is around 9 million tonnes, with domestic consumption around 8 million tonnes.

8. Some absentee landlords managed their estates inefficiently, and food tended to be produced for export rather than for domestic consumption.

9. It is therefore more than ever necessary that the recovery should be export led rather than led by domestic consumption.

10. Agronomic crops provide food, feed grain, oil, and fiber for domestic consumption and are a major component of US export trade

11. Worse was expected to come as industrial and domestic consumption of electricity picked up after the attrition of the war years.

12. The most severely affected crops for domestic consumption were tomatoes, bananas, corn, other vegetables, and beans, with damaged totaling to $48 million (1998 USD).

Cà chua, chuối, ngô, các loại rau, và đậu là những loại cây trồng chịu tác động nghiêm trọng nhất về mặt sản lượng phục vụ tiêu thụ trong nội địa; với tổng giá trị thiệt hại đạt 48 triệu USD (USD 1998).

13. Economists often talk about how the Japanese need to boost domestic consumption , which has been flat for a decade , to make up for falling exports .

Các nhà kinh tế học thường nói về việc người Nhật cần đẩy mạnh mức tiêu thụ nội địa , vốn dĩ không đổi cả chục năm nay , để bù lại cho khoản xuất khẩu đang sụt giảm .

14. The target for agricultural growth should be fixed taking into account the gap in the domestic availability and the demand for domestic consumption and exports

15. Its growth model of the last 30 years (driven by labour intensive manufacturing exports) is changing to one based on domestic consumption, underpinned in part by domestic social security reform.

16. This is particularly important when current account surpluses are driven by anaemic private demand and when sluggish domestic consumption and investment reflect weaknesses in the functioning of specific sectors in the economy such as services markets.

17. India has been relatively better placed in terms of the impact of the global financial crisis on account of three factors: the inherent strength of its economy, the strength of our domestic consumption and the government's effective action in terms of fiscal stimulus, growth packages and monetary policies.

18. This state of affairs is confirmed by the # annual report on the state of the drugs problem in the acceding and candidate countries in the European Union, which states that synthetic drugs such as amphetamines and ecstasy are produced in illegal laboratories in the Baltic States, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Hungary for domestic consumption