doctrinaire in Vietnamese

@doctrinaire /,dɔktri'neə/ (doctrinarian) /,dɔktri'neəriən/
danh từ
- nhà lý luận cố chấp
tính từ
- hay lý luận cố chấp; giáo điều

Sentence patterns related to "doctrinaire"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "doctrinaire" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "doctrinaire", or refer to the context using the word "doctrinaire" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Don't be so doctrinaire about things.

2. The party followed an increasingly doctrinaire course.

3. He is firm but not doctrinaire.

4. There is nothing doctrinaire about our approach to the matter.

5. Scalia is perhaps the most doctrinaire of the court's conservative judges.

6. In any case they did not inherit the doctrinaire restrictions of their elders.

7. 28 Furthermore democratic socialism was feared and detested by doctrinaire Marxists because it offered planning in conjunction with freedom.

8. The continuing debate between government and the press has not been much advanced by doctrinaire arguments.

9. A spiritual Impressive and vital seed has been growing into a grisly tactical and doctrinaire tree.

10. The schedule seemed doctrinaire on paper, as Communist theories do, but its key in practice was flexibility.

11. Doctrinaire denial of a generational injustice does no justice either to the truth or to the victims.

12. What actually happened was that a less doctrinaire magistracy put local taxes up in order to provide bread for poor families.

13. Bigot: noun die-hard , doctrinaire , dogmatic theorist , dogmatist, dogmatizer , energumen , extremist, fanatic , infatuate, intolerant , ipse dixit , know-all , know

14. Hers was a brave demonstration against those whose doctrinaire divisions have caused so much confrontation, pain and death through the ages.

15. JM: And overall, the account copes with an unsteady tension between constituencies: not only between Byzantinists as believers or faith-sympathetic antiquarians and functionally atheist modernists, but also between a classic-cum-modern position and a postmodernism that has become so doctrinaire that a law might have been passed condemning monotheistic religion as oppressive meta-narrative.