do business to mutual benefit (to...) in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-làm ăn hai bên cùng có lợi

Sentence patterns related to "do business to mutual benefit to..."

Below are sample sentences containing the word "do business to mutual benefit to..." from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "do business to mutual benefit to...", or refer to the context using the word "do business to mutual benefit to..." in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. In business, most Bailments are mutual benefit.

2. Co-operatives are business organizations owned and operated by a group of individuals for their mutual benefit.

Hợp tác xã là một tổ chức kinh doanh thuộc sở hữu và được điều hành bởi một nhóm các cá nhân vì lợi ích chung của họ.

3. China unswervingly practices an opening - up strategy featuring mutual - benefit.

4. We are keen to give contemporary content to our age-old links in all areas of mutual benefit.

5. They do not have to do down rivals in order to benefit themselves.

6. This is an Agreement based on the principle of mutual benefit.

7. CollaborativeNetworking internal jobs can make so much economic sense that sometimes vital functions are outsourced to competitors, to mutual benefit.

8. I am confident that we can greatly accelerate the pace of our bilateral economic engagement to our mutual benefit.

9. Accordingly, I suggested to Premier Li that we do things that enhance mutual trust, expand common interest and deepen mutual understanding.

10. Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.

11. • What can you do to benefit from the spirit’s role?

• Bạn có thể làm gì để nhận lợi ích từ vai trò của thánh linh?

12. For this information to benefit us, what must we do?

Chúng ta phải làm gì để cho những tin tức này đem lại lợi ích cho chúng ta?

13. Presenter adept and Astite communicator at establishing rewarding relationships to benefit business development

14. Our managing rennet is equality and mutual benefit, quality first, credit utmost, wholehearted cooperation.

15. The objective of this MoU is to develop technical cooperation activities in the railway sector to promote safety, efficiency and sustainability, to their mutual benefit.

16. 6 There is an added benefit in having plenty to do.

6 Chúng ta được thêm một lợi ích nữa nhờ có dư dật việc để làm.

17. How do we benefit by drawing close to God in prayer?

Chúng ta được lợi ích thế nào khi đến gần Đức Chúa Trời qua lời cầu nguyện?

18. 13 We attach importance to innovate and exploder new products and insist on the management tenet of "mutual benefit, time, quality".

19. We'll have to find someplace else to do business.

20. These amounts were said to benefit exclusively the housing promotion business of the Land.

21. Having endured colonial exploitation, India is acutely conscious of the fact that bilateral relationships have to be based on mutual benefit.

22. India believes in framing partnerships for mutual benefit and advancing global peace, stability and prosperity.

23. But do all individuals benefit from taking such an approach to choice?

Nhưng có phải tất cả cá nhân đều có lợi từ các tiếp cận sự lựa chọn này?

24. And this is the first compelling business benefit.

Và đây là lợi ích kinh doanh hấp dẫn đầu tiên.

25. The second benefit of using our senses has to do with intimacy.

Lợi ích thứ hai của sử dụng linh tính liên quan tới sự thân mật.