debt crisis in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-khủng hoảng nợ

Sentence patterns related to "debt crisis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "debt crisis" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "debt crisis", or refer to the context using the word "debt crisis" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. European Debt Crisis Reverberates

Khủng hoảng nợ Châu Âu gây ra những tác động dây chuyền

2. His research will document how the debt crisis occurred.

3. The debt crisis in Greece is approaching point of no return.

4. Austerity became a popular term after the European sovereign debt crisis

5. The result could be a worsening of the international debt crisis.

6. The Greek government-debt crisis, and subsequent austerity policies, have resulted in protests.

Cuộc khủng hoảng nợ của chính phủ Hy Lạp, và các chính sách thắt lưng buộc bụng, đã dẫn đến nhiều cuộc biểu tình.

7. Buffett first invested in Bank of America in 2011 during the European Debt Crisis

8. The result could be world recession and a worsening of the international debt crisis.

9. But the European debt crisis is undermining two, near - canonical assumptions that have come to underpin markets.

10. The uneven impact of the debt crisis on developing countries can be seen in each of four groups.

11. Gradualism and profitability, and eventually US Brady bonds, worked in the Latin American debt crisis in the 1980’s.

12. Eurobonds have been suggested as an effective way to tackle the European sovereign debt crisis though they remain controversial .

Trái phiếu Châu Âu được đề xuất như là một biện pháp đối phó hữu hiệu với cuộc khủng hoảng nợ công của Châu Âu dù vẫn tiếp tục gây tranh cãi .

13. Those loans are the focal point of the bad-debt crisis plaguing the financial system and weighing down the economy.

14. The 50-second commercial highlights the role of the banks in the destruction of the rainforest by prolonging the debt crisis.

15. The “Brady bonds" that the US used to help resolve the Latin American debt crisis in the 1990s could serve as a model.

16. Our debt "crisis" is a piffle compared to what's happening in Europe, where dire concern about possible default has spread to Spain and Italy.

17. CCTV Financial Channel reporter: I've noticed there are two major backgrounds for the SED. One is the European debt crisis and the other is Iranian and other regional issues.

18. July 1 – Greek government-debt crisis: Greece becomes the first advanced economy to miss a payment to the International Monetary Fund in the 71-year history of the IMF.

1 tháng 7: Khủng hoảng nợ công Hy Lạp: Hy Lạp trở thành quốc gia tiến bộ đầu tiên trễ hẹn trả nợ cho Quỹ Tiền tệ Quốc tế trong lịch sử 71 năm của tổ chức này.

19. 18 Various central banks also meet during the week, including the European Central Bank, which may be forced to take a more dovish tone given the deteriorating euro zone economy and debt crisis.

20. But for some Greeks watching the channel's coverage of the debt crisis, the overall message to CNN might actually be one of thanks for providing a moment of comic relief during such harsh times.

21. The Greek “haircut” debt deal reached by European politicians and banks after a year and a half of agonizing negotiations and unpopular and ineffective austerity measures, has been touted as a solution to stem the sovereign debt crisis.

22. European Union leaders took a historic step towards greater fiscal integration earlier in December , but economists have been clear that this would not ease a debt crisis entering its third year and still hogging the headlines in 2012 .

Các nhà lãnh đạo liên minh châu Âu đạt được một bước tiến lịch sử hướng đến sự hoà nhập về tài chính chặt chẽ hơn vào đầu tháng 12 , nhưng các nhà kinh tế chắc chắn rằng điều này sẽ không làm dịu đi cuộc khủng hoảng nợ bước vào năm thứ ba và vẫn chiếm vị trí nổi bật trên các trang báo năm 2012 .

23. Chancellorship of Angela Merkel First two terms and the euro-zone debt crisis As support for the SPD wavered, Schröder called for an early general election to be held in September 2005, and the result was a virtual stalemate