congressional in Vietnamese

@congressional /kɔɳ'greʃənl/
* tính từ
- (thuộc) đại hội, (thuộc) hội nghị
=congressional debates+ những cuộc tranh luận ở hội nghị
- (Congressional) (thuộc) quốc hội (Mỹ, Phi-líp-pin, Châu mỹ la-tinh trừ Cu-ba)

Sentence patterns related to "congressional"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "congressional" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "congressional", or refer to the context using the word "congressional" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. 7 But Congressional equivocation also reflects Congressional ambivalence.

2. Latest Congressional Record Congressional Record Search GPO govinfo Roll Call Votes

3. Congressional leaders love cringeworthy Backronyms

4. Note: ZIP to Congressional District and Congressional District to ZIP Crosswalk Files are now available

5. Congressional leaders love cringeworthy Backronyms

6. Well, there is congressional oversight.

Có sự giám sát của Quốc hội mà.

7. Well, that'll take congressional approval.

Việc đó cần sự phê chuẩn của Quốc hội.

8. Congressional website of Congressman Joaquin Castro

9. Congressional website of Congressman Mike Levin

10. It's a Congressional Medal of Honour.

Một cái Huân chương Danh dự.

11. Adrian lies in Michigan's 7th congressional district

12. He represents the Congressional District of Illinois.

13. Perfidy Meets Putty—Congressional Democrats Betray Voters

14. It also has received bipartisan congressional support.

15. A congressional committee is investigating the department's misdeeds.

16. How many congressional committees have you chaired?

! Cô đã làm chủ tịch bao nhiêu ủy ban của Quốc hội?

17. Contradicting Details Emerge In Congressional Probes Into Jan

18. Congressional interest in video game violence has decreased.

19. Foreign bases can be closed without congressional approval.

20. The president explained his plans to congressional leaders.

21. Bluest congressional districts in America The United States is home to 435 congressional districts, areas from which members are elected to the U.S

22. The pension has increased numerous times with Congressional approval.

Tiền hưu bổng đã được tăng nhiều lần với sự chấp thuận của Quốc hội.

23. Top congressional Democrats also want to create a czar.

24. Seventeen congressmen were absent at the Congressional roll call.

25. The movement had a big influence on the Congressional elections .

Phong trào đã gây ảnh hưởng lớn đến các cuộc bầu cử Quốc hội .

26. Before full authorization, the Energy Department needs Congressional approval.

27. It is now the military industrial congressional media NGO.

Giờ đó là khu công nghiệp quân sự Phương tiện truyền thông quốc hội phi chính phủ.

28. The congressional elections in November were another big story .

Cuộc bầu cử Quốc hội vào tháng 11 là một câu chuyện đáng chú ý khác .

29. New weapons programmes can not proceed without Congressional authorization.

30. Diaz-Balart serves in the following Caucuses: Founder and Co-Chairman of the Congressional Everglades Caucus Co-Founder and Co-Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Conference Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of the Congressional Colombia Caucus Co-Chairman of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus Co-Chair of the Florida Ports Caucus Co-Chair of the Hispanic-Serving Institutions Caucus

31. But the congressional intelligence committees are like a black box.

32. Since the 1980 census, Oregon has had five congressional districts.

Từ Điều tra Dân số Hoa Kỳ năm 1980, Oregon có năm Khu bầu cử Quốc hội.

33. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) lamented the current lack of congressional Bipartisanship …

34. He's at a big dinner with the Florida congressional delegation tonight.

Ông ta có một buổi tiệc linh đình với các đại biểu Quốc hội Florida tối nay.

35. The Congressional Budget Office (usually known by its nickname, "the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office") projects inflation rates of less than 2 percent for the next decade.

36. 6 Congressional elections are by universal and compulsory adult suffrage.

37. 4 The congressional proslavery compromises had brought only temporary appeasement.

38. Gingrich's Congressional takeover ramped this off, Bullhorned by Ailes' Fox

39. Alternatively, Republicans may try for a deal with congressional Democrats.

40. Before full authorization,[Sentencedict] the Energy Department needs Congressional approval.

41. The president may not seize private property without congressional authorization.

42. No more nonstop basketball for couch potato Congressional staff members.

43. House approves Awarding Congressional Gold Medal to Capitol Police for Jan

44. That's just so we don't draw attention to the congressional race.

Thế nên ta sẽ không gây chú ý tới cuộc đua vào Quốc hội.

45. Some Congressional Republicans have also taken up the Birther cause: California Rep

46. In many areas where congressional assent is necessary, it is almost automatic.

47. He was forced to step down from all Congressional leadership positions.

48. Congressional Republicans have made clear their intention to thwart these efforts.

49. With any luck we may yet have a Congressional Scuba Caucus.

50. WSLC’s six geographic districts at one time Corresponded to Washington Congressional districts