concrete face earth dam in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: cơ khí & công trình
-đập đất có mái lát bê tông

Sentence patterns related to "concrete face earth dam"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "concrete face earth dam" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "concrete face earth dam", or refer to the context using the word "concrete face earth dam" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Key words: dam, clay, concrete, earth pressure, embankment, pile.

2. The stress and deformation of the dam and the concrete face slabs during construction and impoundment periods were presented in this paper.

3. A new dam of concrete replaced the old timber structure. Back

4. Key words: alkali–aggregate reaction, concrete dams, finite element method, dam safety.

5. Key words: tunnel valley, glacial silt, earth dam, settlement, airphoto interpretation.

6. The project involved the removal of the existing crown‐owned timber crib weir dam and the installation of a new concrete core dam.

7. The project involved the removal of the existing crown-owned timber crib weir dam and the installation of a new concrete core dam.

8. Keywords: earth-fill dam, landsliding, instrumentation, ground movements, pore pressures, slope stability analysis.

9. 8 First cubic meter of concrete is mounted in the rollway of the future dam.

10. 14 GPS, filling const ruction, quality control, integrated system, face rockfill dam.

11. So, we came out with new technology and we built a rock-filled concrete dam here.

12. These Brecciated face concrete masonry units are custom blended

13. The strength properties of dam concrete, such as compressive and tensile strengths and modulus of elasticity, clearly show rising levels along with increasing concrete age.

14. The greatest threat Earth will face is coming.

Mối đe doạ lớn nhất mà trái phải đối mặt đang tới.

15. The Oymapınar Dam, which is currently fifth biggest dam of our country, has been established on the Manavgat stream and commissioned on 1984. It is a concrete arch type.

16. Just disappeared off the face of the earth.

Đơn giản chỉ biến mất khỏi bề mặt trái đất.

17. The ladder was removed in 1924, when the City of Providence replaced the wood dam with a concrete one.

Thang cá này bị tháo dở vào năm 1924 khi Thành phố Providence thay thế đập nước gỗ bằng đập bê tông.

18. In global terms, the greatest hazard for the durability of dam concrete is from internal chemical attack (alkali-aggregate reaction).

19. In the absence of such materials, the dam is built of quarried rock or unsorted pebbly or Bowldery deposits, and the impermeable core is constructed of ordinary concrete or asphaltic concrete.

20. He's seriously the biggest jerk on the face of the Earth.

Nghiêm túc mà nói hắn ta là thằng đê tiện nhất trên bề mặt trái đất đấy

21. His father's death came at a critical time for the company: concrete was being poured for the Hoover Dam, Bechtel's largest project.

Cái chết của người cha xảy ra vào thời gian công ty bị khủng hoảng: bê tông đã được đổ xuống đập Hoover, dự án lớn nhất của công ty Bechtel trong thời điểm đó.

22. He goes silent like he fell off the face of the earth.

Hắn ta bổng nhiên im lặng giống như hắn ta biến khỏi mặt đất.

23. The concrete problem that they would face resides in the increase in publicity and advertising.

24. La Cruz dam is a hydraulic concrete structure placed in a hilly rural area near to the city of Azul (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina).

25. We're about ready to knock that town off the face of the earth.