compuserve information manager (cim) in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: điện tử & viễn thông
-Phân tử quản lý thông tin CompuServe

Sentence patterns related to "compuserve information manager cim"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "compuserve information manager cim" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "compuserve information manager cim", or refer to the context using the word "compuserve information manager cim" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The abbreviation CIM designates this conjunetion.

2. Cubby, Inc. v. CompuServe Inc., 776 F

3. See personal information manager for information about tools for personal information management.

Xem trình quản lý thông tin cá nhân để biết thông tin về công cụ quản lý thông tin cá nhân.

4. Bolix je vedúcim producentom stavebnej chémie, špecializujúcim sa na výrobu fasádnych systémov

5. Contact your account manager for more information.

Hãy liên hệ người quản lý tài khoản của bạn để biết thêm thông tin.

6. I will convey the information to the manager.

7. To supply the creative information to Ad Manager:

Để cung cấp thông tin quảng cáo cho Ad Manager, hãy làm như sau:

8. For further information please contact the Linnet Club manager.

9. But the CompuServe fiasco does underline two lessons about the emerging world of cyberspace.

10. On the LDAP Configuration page of Configuration Manager, enter your LDAP server information.

11. The Biotype Lookup Program allows you to generate Biotype information supported by LabPro Information Manager and Data Management System

12. The tactics of conflict may be as follows: One manager will withhold information from another.

13. An Accounting manager oversees systems for gathering, analyzing, and reporting financial information for an organization

14. The resulting information was dispatched to the apron manager, airport authorities, airlines and security services.

15. You can see Video Solutions feature availability or contact your account manager for more information.

16. For more information on our exchange trading services, please contact a TSX Markets Account Manager>.

17. The information manager archives and governs text documents, files, code snippets, internet addresses, comments and notes.

18. You'll receive email notifications when there’s critical information that you should see about your manager account.

19. The first step of trafficking is to enter the information about your advertisers into Ad Manager.

20. Now, when a sales representative opens the Lead Manager application, all the information is easily accessible.

21. 23 Prodigy has just begun using members as forum co-hosts; they get preferred rates but no pay, unlike CompuServe.

22. The service had grown its membership to 275,000 subscribers across six platforms: CompuServe, Prodigy, AT&T Interchange, the Microsoft Network, AppleLink and eWorld.

23. Below are all dimensions available in Ad Manager reports, along with information about applicable report types and categorization.

24. You can share this information with others who have access to this Ad Manager network for further investigation.

25. Enable Continual Improvement Management (CIM) and then set up roles, groups, and integration properties to improve your organization's processes and functions