commandment in Vietnamese

@commandment /kə'mɑ:ndmənt/
* danh từ
- điều răn, lời dạy bảo
!the ten commandments
- mười điều răn của Chúa
!eleventh commandments
-(đùa cợt) lời dạy bảo thứ 11 (không kém gì lời dạy bảo của Chúa)

Sentence patterns related to "commandment"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "commandment" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "commandment", or refer to the context using the word "commandment" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The first commandment is

Sư môn của chúng tôi còn đệ nhất giới điều đó mà.

2. This commandment has never been rescinded.

Lệnh truyền này chưa bao giờ bãi bỏ.

3. But the fifth commandment gave me an epiphany:

Nhưng lời răn dạy thứ 5 đã mang lại cho tôi một sự hiển linh:

4. What did the tenth commandment prohibit, and why?

5. This commandment have I received of my Father.

6. Out of that commandment all my values come.

7. Honesty is also a commandment God gave to us.

8. And now this commandment is for you, O priests.

9. Synonyms: behest, charge, Commandment… Antonyms: impotence, impotency, powerlessness…

10. But I put one commandment even before this.

Nhưng tôi còn có một giới luật trước cả nó.

11. The eighth commandment is "Thou shalt not steal".

12. Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

13. Which commandment did he consider to be the greatest?

14. + 50 And I know that his commandment means everlasting life.

+ 50 Tôi cũng biết rằng mệnh lệnh của ngài dẫn đến sự sống vĩnh cửu.

15. God has not given Christians a commandment to do so.

16. The Savior taught that the first and great commandment is:

Đấng Cứu Rỗi giảng dạy rằng lệnh truyền thứ nhất và lớn hơn hết là:

17. And don't tell sus that Colonel Nascimento... ignored your commandment.

Và đừng có biện bạch rằng đại tá Nascimento... đã không chấp hành mệnh lệnh ngài.

18. And now, O ye priests, this commandment is for you.

19. But the tenth commandment is different from all the rest.

20. This is the greatest and first commandment.” —Matthew 22:37, 38.

Ấy là điều-răn thứ nhứt và lớn hơn hết”.—Ma-thi-ơ 22:37, 38.

21. On what one commandment or value should I build my goals?

22. And since Coveting cannot be regulated externally, this tenth commandment shows …

23. The First Commandment was when Eve told Adam to eat the apple.

24. (Acts 26:14-20) Has that commandment also been laid upon us?

25. 7:8-11 —How did ‘sin receive inducement through the commandment’?

7:8-11—“Tội-lỗi đã nhân dịp, dùng điều-răn dỗ-dành tôi” nghĩa là gì?

26. Adam and Eve kept the first commandment to multiply and replenish the earth.

27. The eleventh commandment: Thou shalt not lean on thy left elbow, or else.

28. But behold, they are gone, and I fulfil the commandment of my father.

Nhưng này, họ đã đi rồi, và tôi phải làm tròn lời dặn bảo của phụ thân tôi.

29. Also, I know that his commandment means everlasting life.” —John 12:44-50.

Ta biết mạng-lịnh Cha, ấy là sự sống đời đời” (Giăng 12:44-50).

30. October 27 The word of God was not a commandment, but a covenant.

31. Cramer reveals his Ten Commandments of Trading ( Commandment # 5 : Tips are for waiters ).

32. But what of the fourth commandment, which relates to the Sabbath day?

Nhưng nói gì về điều răn thứ tư có liên hệ đến ngày Sa-bát?

33. The commandment to multiply and replenish the earth has never been rescinded.

Lệnh truyền phải sinh sôi nẩy nở và làm cho đầy dẫy đất chưa bao giờ được bãi bỏ.

34. But, of course, they rested on the Sabbath+ according to the commandment.

Nhưng dĩ nhiên, họ đã nghỉ ngơi vào ngày Sa-bát+ theo quy định của Luật pháp.

35. “Adroitly you set aside the commandment of God in order to retain your tradition.

36. Bodeword (chiefly Northern) commandment, directive (especially divine) news, tidings (especially divine) pledge; References

37. From your words the people had, for long expected, both law and commandment to come.

38. That commandment, however, elevated the Law to a plane higher than that of human justice.

Tuy nhiên, điều răn đó nâng cao Luật Pháp lên trên công lý của loài người.

39. For there is an Annulling of a foregoing commandment because of its weakness and uselessness

40. But the fifth commandment gave me an epiphany: "You shall honor your father and mother."

Nhưng lời răn dạy thứ 5 đã mang lại cho tôi một sự hiển linh: "Người sẽ tôn kính cha và mẹ."

41. I have broken many a law and many a commandment, but never my word.

42. 1–2, The Lord gives a commandment relative to admission to the united order.

43. In the Old Testament this commandment forbade any representation of God who is absolutely transcendent.

44. A New commandment I give unto you, you are to love your neighbour as yourself.

45. 77 And the decision of either of these councils, agreeable to the commandment which says:

46. In this commandment, the word cleave means to be completely devoted and faithful to someone.

47. These terms are “commandment(s),” “law,” “orders,” “regulations,” “reminder(s),” judicial decision(s),” “saying(s)” and “word.”

48. The greatest commandment, he said, is to love Jehovah with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Ngài nói điều răn lớn nhất là yêu Đức Giê-hô-va hết lòng, hết linh hồn, hết trí khôn, và hết sức.

49. But sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, produced in me every kind of Coveting

50. This Commandment addressed to the Hebrews concerns, according to the Tradition, the fruit of the citr...