classical network model in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: xây dựng
-mô hình mạng truyền thông

Sentence patterns related to "classical network model"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "classical network model" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "classical network model", or refer to the context using the word "classical network model" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Have introduced Maxwell model and Kelvin model in the classical model of viscoplasticity theory.

2. 17 synonyms for Archetypical: archetypal, archetypic, classic, classical, model, paradigmatic

3. The call model for alternative network services is constructed as a dynamic call model.

4. Before a mathematical model, usually need to discompose a complex network to simplify the model.

5. Then the circuit network is generated using resistance interconnect model and standard cell equivalent current model.

6. The new model is global in scale , an interdependent network.

7. It is an enhanced superset of the ECMAScript programming language, with a classical Java-style class model, rather than JavaScript's prototype model.

8. Based on the conception of the discrete modal filter, a force identification model is proposed to emend the classical modal model method.

9. Access control for a decentralized or emergent model on a computer network

10. This model, exclusive to IMC Manufactoria, is for aficionados of classical masculine styling and advanced design.

11. In the B-model, the calculations can be reduced to classical integrals and are much easier.

Trong mô hình B, các phép tính có thể giản lược về các tích phân cổ điển dễ tính hơn nhiều.

12. Businesses going for a VAR model have to develop a VAR network.

Các doanh nghiệp đi theo mô hình VAR phải phát triển mạng lưới VAR.

13. Anaphora is a network of local musicians and arts enthusiasts collaborating to elevate the classical music scene.

14. • Schor's evidence is in direct Contradiction to the neo-classical income / leisure trade-off model outlined above

15. Paul Drude in 1900 proposed the first theoretical model for a classical electron moving through a metallic solid.

Paul Drude đề xuất mô hình lý thuyết đầu tiên cho electron theo miêu tả cổ điển chuyển động trong chất rắn kim loại.

16. 28 Schor's evidence is in direct contradiction to the neo-classical income / leisure trade-off model outlined above.

17. 12 Schor's evidence is in direct contradiction to the neo-classical income / leisure trade-off model outlined above.

18. In future OpenOffice implementations, "UNO (Universal Network Objects) is the interface-based component model."

19. Graph databases are similar to 1970s network model databases in that both represent general graphs, but network-model databases operate at a lower level of abstraction and lack easy traversal over a chain of edges.

20. Apparatus and method for gathering active and passive data using probabilistic model in control network

21. This paper founds a network model based on the inter - regional flow of production factors.

22. The notifying party commits to offer wholesale network access under a capacity-based MVNO model.

23. This paper proposes a matrix based substitution permutation network as the model of block cipher.

24. Here we present a novel classical model to describe the near-inner horizon geometry of a rotating, Accreting black hole

25. The constructed model is a relational network which has the neurological plausibility and the operational plausibility.