civil law in Vietnamese

@civil law ['sivil'lɔ:]
*danh từ
- dân luật; luật dân sự
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-dân luật
-luật dân sự
-luật hộ
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-luật xây dựng

Sentence patterns related to "civil law"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "civil law" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "civil law", or refer to the context using the word "civil law" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. "Civil Law".

“Bộ luật Dân sự”.

2. Fearfully multipliableness civil-law Alopecist

3. Abrogation, in the civil law, legislation

4. You have a remedy in civil law.

5. Non-Muslims are covered under civil law .

Những người không theo đạo Hồi thì được kiểm soát bởi luật dân sự .

6. 1804 – Code Napoléon is adopted as French civil law.

1804 – Bộ luật Napoléon được thông qua làm luật dân sự của Pháp.

7. Intellectual property law is integral part of civil law.

8. Civil right is an important mechanism in civil law.

9. Normal practice in civil law countries is very different.

10. Roman civil law prohibited marriages within four degrees of Consanguinity

11. The civil law deems that the victim did not intend.

12. The civil law doesn't ostracise civil compulsory measures with punitiveness, and punitive penalty also haven't broken the principle of fairness and justice in civil law.

13. The civil law system is based on Austro-Hungarian codes.

Hệ thống luật dân sự dựa trên các điều luật của Áo-Hung.

14. Civilian definition is - a specialist in Roman or modern civil law

15. Acquisitive prescription is the important system of the traditional civil law.

16. The lecturer said that civil law was different from criminal law.

17. The lecturer continued that civil law was different to criminal law.

18. At civil law, in fact, he has no right in personam either.

19. He is married to Tatjana, a civil law professor and legal expert.

Ông kết hôn với Tatjana, một giáo sư luật dân sự và chuyên gia pháp lý.

20. The civil law provides a framework for the redress of individual grievances.

21. At civil law reasonable force may be used to evict a trespasser.

22. ii) Right of direct action ancillary to the civil law liability provisions

23. Jehovah’s Witnesses obey the civil law, including the law on marriage registration.

Nhân-chứng Giê-hô-va tuân theo các luật dân sự, kể cả luật đăng ký kết hôn.

24. At age sixteen, he had received his doctorate in canon and civil law.

25. He is a learn jurist , who has written several books on civil law.

26. However, China's present civil law has not any definite provision concerning the easement.

27. Many of these provisions would be quite unacceptable to a civil law country.

28. Though having spousal relationship, husband and wife are independent subjects of civil law.

29. In January 1543/4 he was appointed the first Regius Professor of Civil Law.

Tháng 1-1543 ông được bổ nhiệm làm Giáo sư luật dân sự Regius đầu tiên.

30. In practice, Qatar's legal system is a mixture of civil law and Islamic law.

Trong thực tế, hệ thống pháp luật Qatar là hỗn hợp của dân luật và luật Sharia.

31. That notification is treated in civil law as the acceptance of the tenderer's offer.

32. 30 Many civil law systems find room for oral evidence at the eventual hearing.

33. Abigeus Author: Encyclopedic Read related entries on A, Civil Law, Roman Law, AB, Latin, Roman

34. The more formal civil law tradition requires international service to be initiated by specified officials.

35. Brande received the honorary degree of doctor of civil law in the university of Oxford

36. His court was not only one of civil law but dealt sometimes with criminal justice.

37. Hence, the Codification system is a process which will a long time in civil law.

38. Conversely, the award under German procurement law is the civil-law acceptance of an offer.

39. Scots law is a hybrid system based on both common-law and civil-law principles.

Luật Scot là một hệ thống hỗn hợp dựa theo cả các nguyên tắc thông luật và dân luật.

40. Secondly, share-pushing raised in acute form a problem which bedevils much of civil law.

41. Germany has a civil law system based on Roman law with some references to Germanic law.

Đức có hệ thống pháp luật dân sự dựa theo luật La Mã với một số tham khảo luật German cổ.

42. Solution In the English version, the terms "or alimentary pension" are added to reflect civil law.

43. 14 The division between chattel and estate is the foremost classification of thing in civil law.

44. The result looks odd: she is guilty in criminal law but not liable in civil law.

45. In this law dictionary, the legal term Anacrisis is a kind of the Civil law class.

46. Procedural law - Procedural law - Civil-law Codifications: Paralleling the common-law changes described above, civil-law systems underwent several periods of reform in the 19th century, rationalizing procedural rules while maintaining the principle of judicial guidance of litigation

47. Barratry — is the name of two legal concepts, one in criminal and civil law, and one in admiralty law.Criminal and civil lawBarratry, in criminal and civil law, is the act or practice of bringing repeated legal actions solely to harass

48. Professor Sirks's research interests span civil law, European private law, the ancient history of law, and papyrology.

49. Common Law safekeeping Civil Law deposit Title of the Legislative Text Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, R.S., c.

50. It did not legalize adoption and mandated that civil unions be performed with a civil law notary.

Nó không hợp pháp hóa việc nhận con nuôi và bắt buộc các đoàn thể dân sự phải được thực hiện với một công chứng viên luật dân sự.