chordal in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "chordal"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "chordal" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "chordal", or refer to the context using the word "chordal" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. 19 The warped phenomenon is mitigated when the chordal height decreases.

2. It’s an engaging display of melodic, rhythmic and chordal prowess – ‘chordal’, because Neset’s signature wizardry in stating or implying key signatures and progressions, through agile employment of ‘Arpeggioed’ phrases and harmonics, is pivotal to this album’s success.

3. ‘The composer adapts the Antiphonal structure by alternating sections of linear two-voice writing with those of chordal textures, the latter serving as multiple refrains.’

4. The main difference between Bop and swing is that the soloists engaged in chordal (rather than melodic) improvisation, often discarding the melody altogether after the first chorus and using the chords as the basis for the solo.

5. This blend-the Begetter of a new ethos [] in harmony-is applied generally throughout an entire musical work, from beginning to end; or in sections where the musical thought lasts a significant duration of time; or in a symbiotic form, sharing roles with other existing chordal entities: symbiotic Bimodalism.