centrifugation in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "centrifugation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "centrifugation" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "centrifugation", or refer to the context using the word "centrifugation" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. centrifugation conditions

2. Variations of centrifugation time (t) versus centrifugation speed (rpm) for different soil densities (ρs

3. Centrifugation definition is - the process of Centrifuging

4. Cloudy wine must be clarified by centrifugation

5. Method of treating the must (e.g. settling, centrifugation):

6. S9 liver fractions: supernatant of liver homogenate after 9000g centrifugation, i.e. raw liver extract

7. Another applicable technique is cofractionation in sucrose (or other material) gradients using isopycnic centrifugation.

Một kỹ thuật ứng dụng khác là đồng cất phân đoạn (cofractionation) trong gradien sucrose (hoặc những vật liệu khác) sử dụng các bước lọc ly tâm phân đoạn (differential centrifugation).

8. The Axonemes are then collected by centrifugation at 12,000g for 10 minutes at 4°C

9. The protoplasm ofSpirogyra cells is more accessible to phase contrast observations after centrifugation.

10. Increased recovery of swim-up spermatozoa by application of "Antigravitational" centrifugation

11. In order to separate the phases, centrifugation of the mixture should be carried out.

12. Cell-free extracts, obtained by centrifugation of boiled bacteria, reacted similarly to live cells.

13. (iii) the separation of the protein broth from the hydroxyapatite (tricalcium phosphate) by centrifugation, and

14. Tissue preparation required only homogenization in acidic solution and centrifugation prior to application to the chromatograph.

15. Decanter centrifugation is one of the most efficient at retaining phosphorus and producing a drier solid fraction.

16. Most of the activity is associated with the fat layer obtained after centrifugation of adipose tissue homogenates in the cold.

17. The cells can be de-fimbriated by sonication, high-speed agitation, or centrifugation through a 40% sucrose solution.

18. If filtration is applied after centrifugation, the laboratory should have facilities to handle filtration of small aqueous aliquots

19. When bacterial cells reach maximum concentration , they are killed and discharged from the fermentation tanks for concentration by centrifugation .

20. The virions were released from the polyhedra by alkali treatment and purified by either rate zonal or equilibrium centrifugation in sucrose gradients.

21. By means of density-gradient-centrifugation with benzole-bromoform, the limiting density gradients of 63 substances used as accessories in meat processing were investigated.

22. This advanced system uses continuous-flow centrifugation and optical detection technology, providing operators the ability to perform a wide variety of Apheresis

23. The aim of both centrifugation and filtration is to accelerate the settling of suspended particles and to retain them in order to obtain a clearer product.

24. As the solid acid can easily be removed through filtering or centrifugation after a reaction, the conventional complicated salt-removing process is obviated by the present invention.

25. Plasma is the watery fluid portion of the blood, in which several blood cells are diluted and is obtained after the centrifugation by adding the Anticoagulating agents

26. Filtration through a 0,45 μm filtering membrane, or centrifugation (five minutes minimum, average acceleration of 2 800 to 3 200 g) drying at 105 °C and weighing

27. The test is performed in a microcolumn in which the red cell Agglutinates are trapped in the glass bead matrix during centrifugation, and unagglutinated cells form a pellet at the bottom of the column.

28. The coprecipitate of A protein and RNA which results from acetic acid treatment of bacteriophage R17 has been shown to form two bands after equilibrium density gradient centrifugation in Cs2SO4.

29. Platelets contained in concentrates prepared by intermittent flow centrifugation utilizing 5.0 g total ionized citrate, function normally as assessed by tests for adhesion, spreading, and ADP and collagen-induced aggregation.

30. DNA Isolation DNA was isolated from vegetative Amoebae according to published protocols [39].Cells were lysed using 2% NP40 and nuclei were separated by centrifugation at 8,000 rpm for 10 min at 4°C

31. ‘Sample Aliquots were frozen and stored for later analyses.’ ‘After mixing and centrifugation, Aliquots of the acetic acid phase were injected onto a Chromatographic system for quantitation of catecholamines.’ ‘Sample digestion for Hg analysis was conducted separately, using 5 g Aliquots …

32. ‘The pellets were resuspended and two Aliquots withdrawn for analysis.’ ‘Sample Aliquots were frozen and stored for later analyses.’ ‘After mixing and centrifugation, Aliquots of the acetic acid phase were injected onto a Chromatographic system for quantitation of catecholamines.’

33. Butylating MS/MS assayAfter punching, adding of internal standard, centrifugation, and drying as described above, the residue was reconstituted in 60 Al of 3 mol/l HCl/butanol, placed in sealed microtiter plates, and incubated at 65 jC for 15 min

34. ‘Sample Aliquots were frozen and stored for later analyses.’ ‘After mixing and centrifugation, Aliquots of the acetic acid phase were injected onto a Chromatographic system for quantitation of catecholamines.’ ‘Sample digestion for Hg analysis was conducted separately, using 5 g Aliquots …

35. The extruded Axoplasm (collected from eight axons (~ 40 μl) is suspended in 500 μl of buffer A and homogenized in a small conical glass homogenizer and vortexed for 5 min followed by centrifugation at 20,000 rpm for 10 min in the cold

36. Similarly, viable bovine Cysticerci were subjected to the physical forces of x-ray radiation, electricity, UV light radiation, centrifugation and vibration, and the effect of the individual agent on the cysts was assessed on the basis of minimum applicable force required to render bovine Cysticerci non-evaginable.

37. | Turbidity(mg solids/l or suspended matter(mg/l) | | 3 | For turbidity: turbidimetryFor suspended matter: gravimetryWeighing after filtration through 0·45 μm membrane filter and drying at 105 °CWeighing after centrifugation (minimum time five minutes, and average acceleration 2 800 to 3 200 g) and drying at 105 °C |

38. | Turbidity(mg solids/l)orsuspended matter(mg/l) | | 3 | For turbidity: turbidimetryFor suspended matter: gravimetryWeighing after filtration through 0·45 μm pore size membrane filter and drying at 105 °CWeighing after centrifugation (minimum time five minutes, average acceleration 2 800 to 3 200 g) and drying at 105° C |

39. The invention relates to peptides which are obtainable by mixing cow milk or human milk with proteases followed by a two hour incubation; centrifugation in order to remove milk fat; acidification to a pH of 2.0 by strong acidulation; separating the precipitated proteins; applying at least one reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) step; applying a cationic exchanger HPLC step; collecting fractions; adjusting the fractions to a salt content